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This book was written by @Copperhead- and @RandomEmoDude_07 We do not own bnha nor the characters, they all belong to the creator, Kohei Horikoshi. We only own this book, please do not copy. Enjoy!

"How do we know we can trust you?" a raspy voice came from the corner, his figure half hidden by the shadows. His other half lit streams of moonlight, revealing his stark blue hair. His shoulders and face were adorned with creepy looking hands.

"You don't," a taller male stood fully in the open, the moonlight illuminating his golden hair. His eyes were covered by a pair of colored glasses, the evil glint in them just barely able to be seen by the light of the full moon.

"Then why should we?" The shorter, blue haired male hissed in annoyance, chapped lips hidden behind a hand. No chances could be taken, not with a state of affairs such as this.

The tall golden blonde shifted his weight to his right leg, turning to the man. "I'm the only one who can get near the Symbol's precious students without being suspicious."

Growling, the man adorned with hands continued. "Fine, but if you betray us, I will break every bone in your body, let it heal, and disintegrate them one by one," his tone was crazed and deranged, as if he enjoyed the thought of it. Unsurprisingly, he truly did and was even happy to think of that outcome.

Not once doubting that the blue haired man would carry out his threat, the tall male smirked. He produced a small packet of papers, from his jacket, tossing them toward the other man. "Believe me now?" He asked, the blonde barely holding back an almost sadistic chuckle as the shorter man caught the papers, careful to leave one finger off.

The man with blue hair stared down at the papers he had caught, his gaze piercing through the fingers of the hand on his face. Was this truly what it said that it was, or was it nothing more than a hoax? Either way, it meant heroes would fall. Whether it be by a rat, or a simple plan gone horribly wrong. "We'll see if I do very soon," he spoke, his voice rather hoarse.

They were both on high alerts. Neither of them could figure out each other's motives. They stood there in silence, staring at one another, trying to catch a glimpse of any intent in their body languages. Keeping that pose for a good three minutes, they could hear the faintest sound of rustling feet.

They whipped their heads toward the direction the noise came from, it had become dead silent. Even more silent than before. Exchanging nods, a silent agreement to check it out, they stepped towards the trash can that their eavesdropper was clearly hiding behind. They could hear the trembling, could almost feel the panic, smell the fear radiating from the spy.

It was clear the spy was inexperienced, not hiding their presence well. Reaching out with his hand, the pale blue haired man disintegrated the trash can, revealing the spy, a scrawny looking street rat, a common thief or bank robber.

"H-hey! T-this isn't what I was paid for! You said you would let me l-live!" the man stuttered as he tried to scramble away. The man gave a sinister chuckle, chapped lips splitting into a crazed smile. His pale hair swaying as he grabbed the scrawny man by the collar and threw him down onto his stomach, placing a foot on his back, pinning him down.

The blood red eyes of the shorter male turned back to look at the other, the look telling him exactly what he needed to do. If he wanted to prove that he was going to join the league without backstabbing them, then this would be a simple test. No pro hero would end a civilian's life like that, even if it was a small robber at the most.

The blonde only smirked at the villain's request, slowly making his way towards the pinned criminal. Such a waste of space, and a perfect test of his allegiance. The glint in his colored glasses seemed to brighten as he crouched down a small bit beside him.

The golden haired man drew out a syringe, filled with a pale bluish liquid up to 3 milliliters. Prying open the terrified street rat's mouth, the pale haired man hovered his hand over his throat, threatening to disintegrate him were he to attempt an escape.

Forcing the syringe under his victim's tongue, the golden haired man placed the needle through one of the salivary glands and injected the liquid into his bloodstream.

They stepped back as the spy's heart rate started increasing rapidly. His breath shortened and soon, he began having seizures. His heart rate slowed, blood pressure getting lower and lower, the two men watched as he went into cardiac arrest.

Soon after he was still, the pale haired man checked for a pulse, none. After confirming that he was dead, the pale haired man stood up facing the golden haired man. "Congratulations, you passed the test."

"So? Am I in?"

"Welcome to the League of Villains, Yamada Hizashi"

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