Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: We do not in any way own BNHA or the characters. We are still too broke

After what felt like an extremely long day of teaching, (Y/N) was relieved to get a break. The students of Class 1-A certainly were something to deal with. The class really did have a lot. An angry pomeranian, two perverts, and plenty of other troublemakers in the class. Luckily, not all of them were that bad. The class representative at least helped to control the chaos. Though truly, how did Aizawa deal with all twenty on a daily basis?

She felt exhausted, as if she wanted to pass out on her bed. Even hero work didn't make her this exhausted that often. I guess this truly was how Aizawa felt half of the time. A small sigh left her mouth and she ran a hand through her (h/c) hair. This was why she preferred to just take care of her snakes. All they needed was a mouse every couple of weeks or so, water, and a clean cage. Of course, milking their venom was also a chore, but that could be very simple with her quirk. She also had her fish, but they were just about as simple as her snakes to care for.

Teaching was definitely an interesting experience, and at least at one point Aizawa did come back for a small bit to help her out. At least now she could go home and try to relax, before inevitably having to go out on patrol. She left the school rather swiftly, the woman heading out to get to her car and head to her home.

(Time Skip)

Y/N's eyes snapped open, instantly waking up. She reached for her alarm clock and switched it off before the annoying sound could get a chance to play. She rolled out of her bed, heading over to her bathroom to brush her teeth.

After she got changed, she walked to the reptile room to check on her pets. The four snakes that she had were quite special. Each was bred from her parents, who were snake breeders, whose quirks allowed them to keep the snakes calm and happy with plants and chemicals. Not only that, but these few had been hatched with quirks. Her parents, who hadn't planned for any of the snakes to have quirks, had her take care of them as they weren't able to themselves, and due to the quirks they had, to keep the other snakes safe.

The heat and light timers she had set up were starting to activate. She checked the temperature, making sure it wasn't too hot or too cold for the reptiles. The UVB light had turned on already, as well as the heat pad.

Off to the right wall, there were two reptile terrariums, containing her two more aggressive snakes, the hognose and the blood python were. To the left wall, there was an aquarium tank and two other terrariums. These contained a kamfa flowerhorn and two royal pythons. Many found most of these creatures disgusting and terrifying, but coming from a home of snake breeders, (Y/N) loved them.

She walked over to a cupboard in the room, opening up one of the doors to pull out a bottle of fish pellets. After, she made her way over to the tank that held her rather aggressive fish, opening up the top of the tank. Then she opened up the bottle and picked up a few of the food pellets, sprinkling some of them into the clean water. The fish, recognizing that it was feeding time, swam up near the surface, waiting for the food to drop in. Her hand shut the top of the tank and she went to place the pellets back where they belonged.

When the fish had finished being fed, (Y/N) then moved onto the snakes. Placing on a pair of gloves, she went to the small refrigerator in the room and opened it up, pulling out a bag of mice that she had placed inside the day before to thaw. Each was meant for the four snakes in the room, larger ones for the blood and royals, and two small ones for the hognose.

First she went to the blood python, the most aggressive snake of them always extremely agitated when he didn't get his meal when he started to get hungry. Carefully, she opened up the top of the terrarium, knowing that there was a chance that he was already irritated.

"Here you go, Basil." She spoke softly, her hand simply placing the large mouse into the bio active enclosure. She then quickly pulled her hand back and closed up the top to let the snake eat its food. Usually, she would hand feed or use the tongs, but she had to get to UA to take care of the troublemakers.

The blood python creeped over to the mouse, his tongue flicking in and out slowly, tasting the air. His tongue flicked faster as he came closer to the mouse, taking in the stronger scent, his heat sensing pit organs quickly identifying it as food. He waited, staying completely still. Then, he suddenly struck with forceful speed, wrapping himself around the dead mouse to 'kill' it again. As he let go and poked at the mouse to make sure it was dead, he wrapped his jaws around the head of the mouse, and started swallowing it.

Once the snake had finished off his meal, (Y/N) went over to the terrarium beside the firsts. She pulled out two small mice from the bag and opened up the top of the venomous snake's home. She placed them both in and pulled her hand out, closing up the top of this one, just the same as the other.

"Eat up, Havoc." She said, watching the hognose start to eat her prey. While she did have to hurry to UA, she also loved to watch the snakes eat. Each had their own way and it was quite impressive to see. Besides, she still had some time to spare before she had to leave.

The snake had slithered her way out from behind a rock inside her terrarium, the sound and smell of something being placed inside attracting her immediately. The hognose made her way to the dead mouse, almost bumping her odd shaped nose against it. She then struck the head of the mouse and started to swallow it, each side of her mouth tried to inch forward as she attempted to eat faster. The snake then repeated the same action with the next one.

Once the snake had gotten her meal, (Y/N) moved onto her final two snakes, the royal pythons. These two she had to watch out for them the most. She opened up one cage and placed a mouse inside of it, before closing it up. Then, she repeated the action and waited for the two of them to eat their meal.

Much like the blood python, the two royal pythons repeated the same actions, though, with much less intensity. The blood python, Basilisk, was the epitome of the theory, nature red in tooth and claw. Each of the snakes had their own ways to eat, different behaviors. The hognose, Havoc, while smaller and seemingly not as aggressive or powerful, embodied a savage grace.

Once the four snakes and one fish had gotten their food, (Y/N) finally was ready to leave. She decided to skip breakfast this morning, realizing that she needed to get there and she had less time than she thought that she had. Truly, she would regret this later, but it would have to be done. It was like Aizawa going without sleep. Something that was definitely bad for his health, but it was needed to keep the brats that were students in line.

Quickly, the young woman left her home, making sure to lock the door behind her. Then she began to make her way out to the school that she would be helping out at. The one where she would possibly have to catch a person who was leaking information and risking the life of innocent students, and she would complete that job, no matter how annoying the students were.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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