Bed Wars

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bbh's Pov

"Sure :)" I told Skeppy.

"Oh yeah! Also since you're on your trial, do you want to take your mod training after?"

"Yeah sure!"

We played for a bit, and then I put him through some mod training. After that we started to play some bed wars. 

"Haha you're not too good at this game are you?" I said teasing him a bit.

"Hey! I can win if I want to, if I just put my mind to it I'd win!" Skeppy retorted, "Look, I'll win this next game, just you see!" 

"Okayyy Skeppy"

Lol he's so competitive now 😂.

We started off our next game and Skeppy started bridging over ALREADY. So I tried to knock him off.

"Oh you're gonna shoot me? And your gonna miss"

"Oh you're gonna shoot me? And you're gonna miss"

"Oh you're gonna shoot me? An-AHHSGHJSDHG!!!"

"HAHAHHAA,,,  oH yOu'rE gOnNa sHoot Me? aNd yOu'Re gOnNA MiSs" I copied.

"ok ok whatever" He said with an audible smirk as he respawned.

After a bit he started to collect more emeralds and we had a little encounter.

"Watch out baaaaddddd"

"For what? a noob??XD"

I later regretted that comment. -_-

"AGHHHGH NOOOO hmmsmdmcmnsdhf"

"Yay for bbh's death!!! heeheehee" He celebrated.

Amidst my anger I had to admit his laugh was kinda cute.

"Skeppy I'm a professional bed wars player"

"no you're not"

"I am"

"no you're not ♥ "

"I AM"

"no you're not, you keep dying! haha"

Oml he's so childish.

"You keep dying too" I responded

"What no I d-AGHHGHG"

I shot him off his bridge again lol.

"whyyyy T-T" He asked sadly while respawning.

Uh oh, did I go to far?

"Oh skeppy I'm sorry."

There was dead silence for a bit, except for a chest opening.

"Skeppy  are you okay?"


All of the sudden I heard the sound of an enderpearl and saw him right next to me.



Oh my gosh I can't belive him. 

I started to respawn but he got to my bed before I could get back.

"You Ambushed me!!!"

"That's what you get hahaha"

"Skeppyyy I thought your feelings got hurt, you're such a muffin -_-"

Skeppy's Pov:

"Muffin?" I said a bit taken aback, remembering my recent failure.

"Uh yeah, muffin! Is there something wrong"

"Oh no its nothing haha" I said with nervous laughter.

Muffin, that *is* kind of adorable though. 😂

"Anyways I BEAT YOU IN BED WARS XDDD" I said bringing the topic back to minecraft.

"Well, I'll beat you in *ALL* of the next games"

"Oh is that a threat?" I asked with a chuckle.

"No, it's a promise U-U"

yay!!! muffins :) // skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now