Chapter 8

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It's only 5 in the morning but I have finished dressing up. I carried all the bags I'll be needing to my car as silently as I can before double checking if I have everything I needed. As soon as everything's been checked twice, I settled on the driver seat and started my drive to Yoona's apartment.

Two days had passed since I missed our date and I'm planning on meeting her today in apology. It's all thanks to having our schedule for the whole morning canceled. I talked to Yoona's manager and he said that she's also free for the whole morning. This is a perfect opportunity for us both.

"Raeo! Keep quiet!" I shushed him as he welcomed me with a bark when I stepped inside Yoona's apartment.

Thankfully, he followed me and just ran in front of me back and forth. I chuckled at his cuteness and decided to play with him for a while before putting the bags away. When Raeo was contented with the morning play he received, I sneaked into Yoona's bedroom. I smiled widely as she looks so adorable in her sleeping position.

"Good morning, sweets," I whispered to her before getting in the sheets and cuddling with her. 

Not to my surprise, Yoona turned to face me and nuzzled her head to my chest. I held her closer to me before I also drifted to sleep.


"Love? What are you doing here?" I was out of the dreamland as soon as Yoona talked to me.

As I open both of my eyes, the sight that welcomed me was so adorable that my heart couldn't almost take it. Yoona was looking at me with befuddled eyes, lips out with a pout, and arms still tight around my torso.

"Didn't I promised that I will make it up to you?" I answered and tucked her hair behind her ear so I can have a better look at her gorgeous face.

"Oh! Right!" That's all Yoona said before once again closing her eyes.

She must be so tired since I've heard from her manager that Yoona's been working all night and day that she only gets 3 hours of sleep every night. I'm not happy with that but what can I do? This is what we both need to do because of the job we signed up for.

"Sweets, I'm so sorry. I didn't know why I fell asleep without setting an alarm for our date." I apologized as I hugged her tighter, hoping to make her feel how sincere I am.

"You must be so tired that day. 8 of us were calling you nonstop but you're still deeply asleep," Yoona said with her eyes still closed

"To be honest, the only times when I'm not tired is whenever you're with me and we're performing on stage," I admitted but I know it's not a valid excuse for my mistake.

"It's okay, love. I've been there before so I know how it feels," Yoona opened her eyes and stared at mine.

No words were exchanged for a few minutes until we both leaned in for a kiss.

"Did you eat the lunch I made?" She asked as we both let go and I sighed as I clearly remember that it was so delicious that it made me feel more disappointed in myself.

"How can I not? It was so good, sweets. Why does it seem like you're getting better and better at cooking each day?" I asked her the question that was lingering on my mind two days ago.

Yoona's dishes are just really delicious and unique. Every time I'll be eating another food cooked by her, it always seems like I've never tasted anything much more delicious than that. She's that good of a cook.

"There goes Kim Taehyung and his sweet words again. You really know how to get me, don't you?" We laughed at her comment but both of us know that I'm saying the truth, or I hope so.

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