Chapter 2

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It's been 3 weeks since I've last seen Yoona. Even though my schedule isn't that full, Yoona's plate definitely is, overflowing to be exact. She will be on the front cover of two magazines, she's the new ambassador of a cosmetics company, and she has two new movies to film and one drama. How can our schedule be this complicated?

Even though I can just go to her shoot whenever I can, there's still too much risk after fans caught me before. I was trending on Twitter for a day because of that so I really can't be seen anywhere near her shoot location or else our fans will be very suspicious.

I jolted out of my bed as I heard my phone ring and I almost tripped myself as was in too much of a hurry on my way to the living room, where I left my phone.

"Yoona!" I screamed a bit too loud out of my excitement that everyone looked at me.

[Love! I have great news!] I listened intently to Yoona as I walk back to my room, now careful not to fall on my face or anything.

"What is it, sweets?" I asked before jumping back to my bed.

[My schedule is clear for the whole afternoon! One of my photoshoots had to cancel because of some issues with their photographer or something!] With that, I rushed to my closet and started changing my clothes so we can meet again.

"You in your apartment? I'll be there in an hour!"

[Okay! See you soon love!] Yoona said before ending the call.

As soon as I finished changing my clothes, I grabbed my disguise, keys, and wallet. I'll be using my car that the public does not know of so no one will be suspicious.

"Taehyung-ah, you going somewhere?" Namjoon hyung asked as I am already putting on my shoes.

I looked at him for a while before answering, "Yes, I'm going to Yoona's."

"You might want to leave right now because manager hyung is coming over and he might not allow you to go," Hyung said making me smile that he's actually allowing me to go.

"Thank you hyung!" I said before running out of the door.

I need to go before manager hyung gets here because if he catches me, there's no way he'll allow me to go to Yoona's. Manager hyung only goes in our dorm if there's a sudden change in our schedule for the day since he said that if he comes over he can discuss what will happen with all the details while watching us get ready.

"Thank goodness!" I released a sigh of relief as I was able to get to my car without running to manager hyung. 

I started the engine but just when I was about to start my drive, a man stepped in front of my car. There stands manager hyung with his hands on his hips and shaking his head to me before signaling me to get out of the car. 

How did he even know that I am about to go to Yoona's today! How can he see me here in my car?

"Taehyung-ah, this is an urgent matter so no sneaking out. Let's go and see the others," Before I can even protest, manager hyung had already turned his back on me.

As much as I want to get in my car now and drive out of here, I know that doing so will get me in so much trouble. That might even cause me more days of not seeing Yoona because they'll make sure to have my schedule as tight as possible.

"Why couldn't you get to your car sooner, Tae?" Jimin asked as we walk to the living room together.

When manager hyung and I entered our dorm earlier, everyone looked at me in shame and pity. We will be so busy in the next few months because our tour is about to start so this might be my only chance to see Yoona again, but of course I had to get caught.

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