Chapter 1

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"Taehyung, are all your bags in the car?" Manager hyung asked as we all walked into the lobby

"Yes hyung, everything's ready," they all went on their own conversations so I decided to make a call

[Love?] A sleepy voice answered making me mentally hit myself. How could I forget that there's a twelve hours difference between our time?

"I'm so sorry sweets, I didn't mean to wake you up. I forgot about our time difference. You can go back to sleep now." There was a lot of shuffling from the other line, so I guess that she went out of her bed

[No, no, you can talk to me. Where are you now?]

"On our way to the airport. Are you free on the next day?"

[I have a photoshoot during the day, but I guess I'm free at night.]

"Date?" I asked, hoping that she would get my question for I really can't say much in public

[Sure! Look, love I would love to talk to you but I need to get to the salon in an hour. Call me when you can.] That's all she said before hanging up making me sigh. Not like that never happened before but, it still gets disappointing

As soon as we got to the airport, I decided to text Yoona that we're about to check-in. We texted a few more times before it's time for us to board the plane. While we were on the plane, I had a movie marathon of her movies and slept when I felt like it.

After almost a day of the flight, we finally reached South Korea. I went straight to my room and texted her that we just arrived before sleeping.

"Taehyung-ah, you're phone is ringing," I woke up from my slumber as someone kept on poking me. My eyes opened while I groaned before looking at my phone that Jimin is handing to me.

It took me a while to clearly see what's on my phone and I swear I almost jumped out of my skin as my phone displayed 36 miscalls from Yoona.

"Fucking shit!" I cursed so loud to the point that Hoseok hyung who was just passing by my room stopped and looked at us but I paid no attention to them.

I scrambled to open my phone and called back Yoona but it just kept on ringing and ringing. But of course, I won't stop calling her and luckily, after more than 10 calls, she finally picked up.

"Sweets, look. I'm so sorry I overslept and forgot about our date tonight and missed your calls. Well, I technically didn't forget our date, I just slept through it but that's not the point. So, here---" My rambling was cut off when a man spoke up and it took me a few good seconds to realize that it was Yoona's manager.

[Taehyung-ah, Yoona's already in her schedule right now. We're shooting a new commercial and I'll just tell Yoona to call you back once we have our break, is that cool?] I froze for a moment as I try to comprehend manager hyung's words before replying.

"Right, of course. That'll be great, thank you!" I muttered before ending the call.

It's already 12 midnight and our date was set at 10 pm. Meaning, Yoona actually decided to meet with me first before going straight to her schedule even though she can just choose to take a rest since she'll be up all night long. And of course, being the wonderful boyfriend that I am, wasted my girl's sacrifice just because I am tired of the flight. How great is that?

"Are you alright, Taehyungie?" Jimin asked and only did I remember that he and Hoseok hyung are still here, watching me curse myself.

"Yeah, just disappointed with myself," I sighed as I once again laid on the bed and covered myself with my blanket.

I'm such a terrible boyfriend.

"Well, maybe you can find other ways to meet her tonight?" Hoseok hyung suggested and I grumbled, "What?"

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