Chapter 17

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They leave
Danny-What decision did you took babe?
Steve-You'll find out after we finish this case
Danny wanted to push him and find out but he knew that if Steve was too determined about something,noone could change his mind,not even him.After an hour they arrive at an old building.Steve waited in the car while the others went in hot.After a minute,Steve sees Danny chasing someone,he gets his gun out and he shoots him in the leg.Danny looks at Steve.
Danny-What the...?
Steve-You're welcome,book'im Danno
Danny was over the moon happy hearing these words,he missed them so much.He arrested the idiot with a huge smile on his face,they arrested the others and he went to the Camaro were Steve was.The whole team followed him,Danny gets in the car and everyone else around it.
Steve-I want everyone to come at the offices,I have something very important to tell you
Tani-Okay but what?
Steve-At the offices
They leave.Inside the car,Steve turns to Danny
Steve-Before I tell the others,I wanted you to know first.
Danny looks at him worried about what he's gonna hear
Steve-I decided to retire
Danny was shocked,he he never thought he'd hear this
Steve-Yeah, it's been almost a year and I just made a step back and fall off a cliff.I cannot let you or the others wait for me to come back,if I come back.My body is not how it used to be which only makes my return slower
Danny tries to talk but Steve stops him
Steve-Let me finish.I know that everybody gonna think I'm giving up and the truth is that I do.This life has taken a lot from me and I cannot let this happen to you.I'll have more time to focus on my healing and I might drop this chair off a cliff by my own and without me on it,but if I don't,I don't mind anymore.As long as I have you,I'm fine
Danny-Are you finished?
Danny-I don't know what to say,I think this is the most logical decision you've ever taken and there's no way I'm think that you give up.You put your health in front of your ego and that doesn't mean that you give up
Steve-You're not mad at me?
Danny-Mad?What are you talking about? What's the matter with you?Of course I'm not mad at you.I want you to be happy and healthy,not dead on a road because of your stupidness
Steve-Thank you Danno
Danny-No problem babe,always
Danny falls into deep thinking after that conversation.After a while they arrive at the offices.Steve is at his office which have been Danny's for the last months.Everyone's around him and Danny who's standing up behind Steve.
Steve-I called you all here because I made a decision,I'm retiring
Everyone starts asking "what?why?"
Steve-Please let me finish.I've putted my job over my life and personal health every day for the past ten-eleven years.I'm probably quitting and I call it retiring but I might never heal by this.I cannot have you waiting for me to come back.This might never happen and we all have to move on.I lost a lot to this job and I cannot lose what's nost important in my life too.
He looks at Danny,they hold hands
Steve-I've made my decision,I might get up,I might not but in order to focus on my healing I have to stop focusing on when I return and to focus on me and everything I love
Danny-By that I have something to add
Steve-What is it Danno?
Danny-I'm following you,I'm retiring too.I've wanted it for some years now, everyone knows it and I think the time has come.I almost lost Steve and this is something I definitely can't do.He's where he is because of me and I don't want to think he might get killed saving me or I'll get killed for that matter
Steve-Danno this is not your fault
Danny-Steve I think it's for the best
Lou-I never thought that this day would come but Steve
Junior-We don't think you're a quitter
Tanni-Definetely not,you need to focus to your health
Adam-and Danny, it's not your fault
Quinn-He did what everyone in this team would do to save each other's life
Steve-Thank you guys
Lincoln-I know you two for almost a year but I think you two are taking the best decisions you can
Tani-Okay,I'm bored about this.Have fun guys, you're retired,we need to make you a joint retiring party,a huge one
Adam-I agree to that
Steve and Danny-Thank you guys
They look at each other and they smile
Lou-You two are annoyingly adorable
Quinn-You two have to talk to the Governor and we have to arrange a party so please go fo your job and we go do ours
Junior and Lincoln push Steve and Danny out of their office and they shut the door.Danny and Steve look at each other
Steve-What did they just did?
Danny-They throwed us out of our office
They look inside
Steve-They took it lightly
Danny-Very lightly
Steve-Let's go,we have to talk to the Governor
They leave

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