Chapter 3

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The weeks passed,Steve was doing physio,he didn't saw an improvement.Steve is at his room resting and Danny's talking on the phone with Adam.
Danny-He's not good,he doesn't wants to leave the house,he doesn't like people staring at him and feeling sorry about him
Adam-Why don't you come over my place,we could watch a movie like old times,just the three of us
Danny-Great idea,what movue do you have in mind?
Adam-One with a lot of violence and kickass,like Rambo
Danny-Good idea,it'll cheer him up
Adam-Yeah come at 7,I'll order pizza
Danny-See you
They close.Danny was optimistic about that,Steve would like it.Suddenly he hears a boom,like something has fallen down,the noise came from Steve's room.He runs there,he sees Steve on the floor next to his wheelchair, crying.Danny rushes next to him.
Danny-Hey Steve,what happened?
Steve-I tried to get up and I fell down
Danny-What?Aww Steve,you can't get up,not yet
Steve-It's been six weeks Danny,no improvement,nothing,I can't do anything
Danny-You can,you can do everything,you are the most capable person I know
Steve-Yeah,except walk
Danny-You will walk, eventually
Danny sees the bruise on Steve's arm
Danny-Come, let's get you on your chair and to go get some ice for your arm
Steve nods that he agrees,Danny grabs him from the arms and he gets him on his wheelchair and he drives him to the kitchen.He gets some ice off the fridge and he gives it to Steve who puts it on his arm
Danny-Adam called
Steve-Yeah?How's he?
Danny-He's good,he invited us for movie night,just the three of us
He leaves the ice on the kitchen and he goes to the backyard and stares at the ocean.Danny looks at him and Eddie comes and stands next to Danny and he looks at him,Danny looks at him back.
Danny-I know Eddie,I'm worried about him too
Later this afternoon Steve and Danny are outside Adam's door,Danny knocks and Adam opens
Adam-Welcome guys,come inside
They coms in,Adam closes the door
Adam-The pizzas arrived,sit on the couch,I'll bring the beers
Steve-Which movie are we watching?
Adam comes with the beers and he sits to the sofa next to Danny
Steve grabs a beer and a slice of pizza and he looks at the TV and he smiles.Danny looks at him and he smiles too.He knows what Steve needs,not to be treated differently and this night he didn't,no one mentioned the wheelchair or his injury.They just sat there and had fun like three friends who was watching a movie.After the movie ended Danny looks at Steve,he had fallen asleep on his chair with a huge smile on his face.Hs smiles too.
Danny-I haven't seen him that happy in a while
Adam-He looks better than when you came
Danny-Oh yeah, definitely,he was treated like he wasn't injured
Adam notices the bruise on Steve's arm
Adam-When did he got hit?
Danny-This morning,he tried to get up and he fell
Danny-Yeah, he's not that patient anymore,the physiotherapy doesn't help him and he can't do it anymore
Adam-Patience was never his thing
Danny-Yeah,I don't blame him,he can't do anything he loves and that kills him
Adam-He's not himself,makes sence
Steve wakes up
Steve-Heyy guys,what did I missed?
Danny-Nothing,I think we should leave, it's late
Adam-It was nice seeing you
Steve-We should do this again some time
Adam-What about next week?same day and time,we can watch Rocky
Steve-Sounds great,goodnight Adam
Danny-Goodnight Adam,see you
Adam-See you
Danny gets Steve out and they leave
They did this a weekly thing.

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