Chapter 18

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After a few days a huge retirement party was thrown.Everybody came and they had a great time.No one mentioned Steve's injury which made him even happier.It had a lot of games,Steve was throwing a football and others were making a run to catch it.Kamekona organised the whole food experience and thr party took place at Kamekona's trunk.After many hours everyone left.Steve and Danno was alone there,Kamekona had closed the truck for the night.Steve and Danny was alone there staring at the ocean
Steve-What now Danno?
Danny-What do you mean babe?
Steve-We're free,I've never been free,I never had free time,what do we do now?
Danny-Now,now we finally relax babe
Steve-But how?
Danny-I'll show you how
Their lips meet,passionate,they are both happy.After a week Steve and Danny are on their way to the airport.They were going to London to visit Grace and have fun with Harry.As soon as they land and they get out,they see Grace waiting for them at the parking
Grace-Dannooo,Uncle Steveee
They hug,she turns and hugs Steve
Grace-Give me those
She takes everything Steve was holding,she puts them in the trunk and Danny does the same
Steve-I could do that
Grace-Yeah but you are here now and I wanna take care of you
Grace-Stop,we're going to eat
Grace gets into the car and Danny helps Steve to get in too.They leave and they arrive at a big restaurant,they get out of the car
Danny-Monkey you've been through so much trouble for us
Steve-Yeah,we would be totally fine with some burgers
Grace-Yeah but I don't usually get the chance to take care of you two
Danny-But monkey...
Grace-No,we're going in
They go in and they sit at a table.A waiter brings them some very nice foods.They eat and they chat,an hour and a half passes
Grace-So how's retirement?
Steve-I'm one week in and already bored to death
Harry Langford appears from behind
Harry-I'm here to help with that
They turn and look at him
Harry-Hello folks,welcome to London
Danny-Harry,nice to see you,I thought we were gonna meet tomorrow
They hug
Harry-I have a surprise for you
Harry-Yes,I talked with Grace about an idea of mine and she was thrilled
Danny-What are you planning to do?
Grace-You'll see, let's go to the car
Steve and Danny-Okay
They go to Harry's car and they get in,Steve and Danny at the back and Grace at the passenger's seat while Harry at the driver's.Grace gives them two scurfs
Grace-Cover your eyes
Grace-It's a surprise,put them on
Steve and Danny look at each other and then they cover their eyes.Harry starts driving

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