Chapter 4

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Steve started getting out again.He and Danny went to the supermarket together.Everyone was looking at him.Steve was feeling them staring at him and he didn't liked it at all.He turns around and he looks at Danny.
Steve-I'm going to the car
Steve-I'm going
He turns around and he leaves to go to the car.He opens the door,he gets inside and he leaves the wheelchair next to him.Danny finishes shopping and he comes at the car.He puts everything in the trunk,he closes Steve's wheelchair and he puts it in the trunk too.He gets inside the car and they leave
Danny-I thought you didn't mind the stares
Steve-I thought that too
Steve looks outside the window,Danny doesn't continues the conversation,they keep the ride silently.It has been three months since Steve got shot.Lou called them to watch a match.They arrive at Lou's house.Downstairs,at the entrance are stairs that make it hard for Steve to get up.Danny calls Lou
Danny-Hey Lou,we're downstairs,can you come and help me get Steve up the stairs?
Lou-I'm on my way
Lou gets down,he gets Steve at his hug and he gets him up those seven steps and Danny gets Steve's wheelchair.Lou puts Steve back at his wheelchair,he and Danny go from the elevator and Lou from the stairs.They get infront of the apartment and Renee opens the door.
He gets Steve inside,Steve goes and stays infront of the TV.Lou looks at Renee and Danny
Lou-Bad idea our house,is not accessible for him that easy
Danny-But we had to get him out,he would go to a cafe to watch to watch the match,it is too crowded
Lou-Next time at Quinn's
Renee-I'm gonna get the chips and the beers and I'm coming,you go,sit
They sit and the match starts.Steve watches too but he's not that exited.Danny looks at him and he knows that the event before destroyed their night.Their team won but Steve wasn't that exited.After half an hour they leave,Lou comes down to help them with the stairs and they leave.The months pass and Steve keeps trying to get up every day.Today he was sitting in his room.He tries to get up,he falls down as expected.He gets angry,he punches a vase which was in the room.He starts bleeding badly,Danny rushes inside the room and next to him,he sees Steve bleeding and a vase next to him broken.
Danny-Why Steve?Why?
Steve-Leave me Danny,I am useless
Danny-No,no you're not
Steve-I am,I can't do anything,I am a useless guy in a wheelchair
Danny-Don't say that again
Steve-I don't deserve your help Danny
Danny-Stop saying stupid things Steve,you saved my life by risking yours,you are her because of me
Steve-I would die for you Danny,and I think it would be better this way,I wouldn't had to put you through all this trouble,you're wasting your time helping me
Danny gets him on his hug
Danny-Don't you dare say that again,you are my best friend,the most important person in my life alongside Grace and Charlie,I would do anything for you
Danny-True,let's get you up and patch your arm
Danny pulls him on his chair and to the bathroom.He gets the first aid kit out and he tries to stop the bleeding
Danny-This thing needs stitches,we gotta go to the hospital
Steve doesn't say a word,he goes outside and waits at the car.Danny knows that under normal circumstances he would have asked for a needle and he would stitch himself up but now nothing and that's what worries him.He grabs his keys,he helps Steve get inside and they leave.They arrive,he get Steve at the ER,they stitch him and they leave.At the car Steve looks at Danny
Steve-I'm sorry Danno
Danny-You shouldn't,you don't have to apologise for anything
Steve-I do,I don't help you take care of me,I'm doing stupid stuff
Danny-No,you wanna return to normal and there's nothing wrong about that
Steve looks him with a sad face,they continue the rest of the ride silently.

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