Chapter 2

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While at the hospital Steve convinces Danny on one more wheelchair race like the one they did after the liver transplant.This time Danny lets Steve win to boost his mood.
Steve-I won you this time Danno,if Kono was here she sould take her bet back from Lou
Danny-(laughs)Yes she should
After a week Steve is released from the hospital.The whole team was escorying him out of the hospital.HPD was there with Kamekona and Flippa.They see Steve coming and they applause.Steve looks at Danny
Danny-I didn't do this
Duke steps up
Duke-I did it
Danny looks at Steve who looks at him back and then the both look at Duke and they smile.
Danny-Thank you Duke
Steve looks at Danny and Danny understands that Steve wanted to leave,he wasn't feeling comfortable with everyone looking at him.Danny helps him get on the passenger's seat of the Camaro.He closes the door and he approaches Duke
Danny-I'm sorry Duke,he isn't in his besst mood the last week
Duke-No need for apologies Danny, it's completely understandable on the situation he is
Danny-Thank you for the understanding,I am sure he appreciated the gesture
Duke-He's a hero,the least we could do
Danny-Yes, yes he is,thank you
He puts Steve's wheelchair on the trunk of the Camaro,he gets in the car and he leaves.They arrive at Steve's house,Danny gets the wheelchair out,he helps Steve get on and he gets him on the door.Steve sees a ramp on the doorsteps.
Steve-What is that?
Danny-That,that is a ramp,I asked Kamekona to bring someone and build this for you,there is one at the back too.
Steve-Thank you buddy
Danny-You're welcome
Danny gets him inside the house,as soon as they open the door Eddie runs towards Steve,he starts barking and liking both Steve and Danny and then he starts running up and down the house happily
Danny-Someone's happy to see you
Steve looks at Danny
Danny-What's up buddy?
Steve-Will you move in with me?
Danny-I've been the past weeks Steve
Steve-No,I mean forever,Junior will move in with Tani and...
Danny-I thought so,I already rented out my apartment,there was no reason to have it as I'll be here to help you
Danny-Yes,really,I'm not leaving Steve
Steve-Thank you Danno
Danny-No problem buddy
Danny heads to the kitchen and Steve follows him
Danny-The physio will come later,go rest
Steve-I'm resting,all day, sitting on this chair,no need to be laying on a bed and staring the wall

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