Pt 1

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                                                        Today is the day of your interview.   

Sitting in the waiting room along with a few other people you notice that you was the only foreigner in the room, readjusting your blouse for the millionth time checking that you still look presentable, a small lady in a crisp suit calls your name "Y/n L/n we are ready for your interview now" standing up you feel your hands start to clam up and a small blush to your cheeks, walking into the room with the lady.

The room was clean and dull with a desk, computer and many folders containing the other applications, you give a warm smile holding out your hand to introduce yourself, the woman behind the desk looking you up and down before gesturing to the seat, taking a seat you see her open the file of your application.

Giving it a quick read over the woman says "interesting please tell me y/n do you want this job?"

"I really want to go into the entertainment industry, especially music at school I was the top of my class in musical arts and kept consistent into college, hopefully someday I can make music of my own"

The woman hums as she makes note on the computer, tapping away as she then asks another question "how are your organisation and time keeping skills?"

"Very well, I like to be organised and on time, I won't stop until something is perfect" you beem as the woman types something again.

"One big request is to know Korean, how is it?" This time her eyes burned into yours making you realise how small you felt in the chair, you felt the anxiety kick in, gulping you reply "not good but! I am learning, have been for three months now, I will continue to learn until I'm a pro" you give a small laugh as the woman was stone cold.

"Thank you y/n that will be all, if you don't hear from us in a week don't bother coming back" she said as you felt defeated, covering it up with a bright smile you thank her and leave the room.

Once in the lobby of the building you feel relief wash over you, checking your phone to see one message from your mother asking how it went, you had only just moved to Korea and was finding it difficult without the support of your family. To engrossed into your phone you walk into the back of someone making them spill coffee all over their top, looking up you frantically apologise to the man trying to wipe off the spilled drink.

As you continue to fuss over the man, looking up you realised that it was Kim Namjoon from BTS. Now at a loss for words, Namjoon scowls at you trying to clean off the coffee stain, "I - I'm so sorry I will get you a new shirt" you stammered as Namjoon huffed in annoyance.

"Don't bother, look where you're going next time" he speaks, turning to the elevator waiting to go up as you stand there starstruck.

You just spilt coffee over bts Namjoon and it was an embarrassing and amazing moment, you quickly walk out of the building going back home to your small apartment, crashing through the door, on the phone to your best friend. "b/f/n I'm serious! I walked into Kim Namjoon! It was like straight out of a kdrama...and also I spilt coffee down his shirt by accident"

"Y/n you are so clumsy please don't blow this chance, anyone will kill for this job even some people back home are jealous..I really hope you get the job"

You felt tears well in your eyes as you did work hard to get here with the love and support from your family and best friend, taking a deep breath you reply "I know and I promise you I will make you proud"

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