Pt 5

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~ Hello, sorry I haven't updated in a is part 5 of the story and also this story is available on AO3, Tumblr  *side note this isn't edited so sorry for mistakes* 




New day, new you and first concert of the tour. It's barely 4am and your phone is already going insane with messages, still half asleep reading some messages from stylists, stage crew and even some from the boys themselves. Quickly getting up out of bed and getting dressed, you answer one of the messages from one of the stylists.

'Wardrobe should already be waiting but we are missing two outfits, where are they?'

Confused by the message you had no idea where the missing outfits had gone you were really tempted to say that you had no clue but you had to be professional about it, thinking about it you decided to reply back asking them if they had checked with the boys to see if they took it by mistake.

'Have you checked with the boys? I'm sure I saw Jimin with a jacket and Jin with the shirt and bottoms yesterday'

Walking out of your room down to the hotel lobby, your eyes glued to your phone trying to reply to everyone possible and once again you walked into someone making them drop their drink, looking up you could almost laugh as Namjoon stood there looking surprised at what just happened.

"Wow deja vu much?" he laughed as you went to pick up his drink,

"Namjoon i'm sorry, I should really be looking but today is stressful and-"

"It's okay, just remember to breathe and look where you're going" Namjoon smiled, giving you the dimpled smile, oh how you would have melted.

"Yes, uh did you want another drink? I promise I won't spill it this time"

He laughed as he took you up on that offer.

Looking down at your phone you saw that Hoseok was calling, "Hoseok...what's wrong?"

"Nothing! Just are you doing coffee runs this morning?"


"Great! So here are the orders"

Hoseok gave you a list of everyone's order, seven drinks and four breakfast snacks and three energy drinks later, you could explode.


The drive to the arena wasn't so bad. The boys were split up into different vans, you went with Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi. Jin was on his phone while Yoongi took a nap, which left you and Namjoon to make small talk.

"So what normally happens on tour day?" You ask as before you only saw concert videos, pictures of backstage and of course sound check videos. Namjoon hummed as he thought about what really happened.

"It's normally one big rush, like a calm before the storm but it normally is one big blur"

"Helpful" you smiled as Namjoon gave you one of his dimple smiles...oh how you wanted to swoon, what? No keep it professional Y/n finally pulling up at the venue getting out the car was like a mission. Suddenly there was untold security around you and the boys escorting you inside, keeping your head down so no one would reconise you.

Getting inside you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, suddenly your phone was buzzing like crazy checking the messages from other crew members as well as getting phone calls, you have never felt so popular. Obviously that was a joke as this was your job to make sure the boys are happy.

"Y/N! WHERE IS THE JACKET" one of the stylists screamed at you, making you nearly drop your phone in the process. Turning around to see one of the girls you are not familiar with yet, she reminded you of Edna Mode from the Incredibles, short black hair, thick round glasses, very very short in height. "I thought I told you..check with Jimin or some of the others" you replied as they glared at you, "I did he said he didn't have it" sighing you really didn't want this today.

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