Pt 4

14 1 0

A/n:  things are starting to get heated 





It had been a week since you told Taehyung about the picture and he still talks about it to you, teasing saying that you will be in trouble. What really sparked your anxiety was when you sat in one of the practice rooms with them and Cho-hee came up to you.

"I know your secret" she whispered, your heart stopped, looking at her wide eyed, "what do you mean? I don't have secrets" laughing nervously. She playfully hit your arm,

"Oh come on you know, your instagram"

At that moment all the colour drained from your face, the secret fan account you were done for, before you could explain yourself, Cho-hee showed you, your personal instagram that was on private. Relief washed over you "I have been wanting to follow you for a while now but I couldn't find your insta"

"Oh yea...I didn't think that anyone would want it so I never gave it out" you said unlocking your phone to accept her request. Looking at how many followers she has you was amazed, "you have a lot of followers"

"Yea, a lot of people mainly ask for pictures of the boys...I have done other groups as well but for now I'm here for the upcoming tour, hey! Let's take a selfie together and post it" Cho-hee held up the camera, quickly sorted out your hair and held up a peace sign while pursing your lips together to blow a kiss.

"That was cute!" Cho-hee squealed, she posted the picture and within a few minutes your phone was blowing up of likes, comments and follow requests, turning the phone on silent, you didn't see Taehyung hovering over your shoulder.

"y/n..your popular"

"Tae! Oh no I took a photo with-"

"Hmm I know, I saw also next time don't take a picture in front of the mirrors"

Confused at what he said looking back onto the picture you could see the boys in the back practicing...that's why your phone was blowing up. Curious you decided to read the comments on the picture.


'Who is the other girl?'


'The BTS crew feeding us TODAY THANK YOUUUU'

'I wish I had their job...'

'Jungkookie looks so hot'



'Post more please'

'Ew I wanna see BTS more than these two get out of the picture'

The last comment hurt a little bit, but you knew with working with this job people are going to be jealous of you. Now you understood Tae's words and he was right next time think about where the picture is being taken.

"Hey y/n" looking up you saw Namjoon waving you over, walking over to the boys, "did you want to come to dinner with us?"

Your brain stopped working for a second as you had to process that information...did Namjoon, THE Namjoon ask you to dinner with the rest of BTS.


It was weird sitting in a restaurant with BTS, everyone chatted quietly, sat next to Namjoon on one side and the other was Jin, in front of you was Jimin while Jungkook was next to Namjoon and Tae, Hoseok was either side of Jimin.

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