court sorcerer

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Okay... I can explain
Actually I can't. XD
Please excuse the eye fuckery. Be warned, there is a lot of sexual tension in this one.
I couldn't bring myself to elaborate at the end. I'll leave it to your imagination.

BTW: Morgana has escaped to live with a bunch of druids. Mordred is also with them. And Gwen joined them a little later.
I wanted Morgana to be .... not there to witness her brothers ... escapades. She should thank me for it, really. She is happy there with Gwen at her side.


Arthur had the strange feeling that the amount of magical incidents in Camelot was only increasing in numbers.
When he was still a prince, his father had killed every person who ever as much as looked at a magical word the wrong way.
With the death penalty those actions resulted in far too many executions for a child to bear witness to. Too many for any person to bear to watch.
Arthur may have been the prince, but even HE was scared of his father.

Do you, in present day, know that feeling when you're at the supermarket or a cloth shop and you pass those alarm bars and you get really anxious, because what if the alarm goes of and you accidentally have a gun on you?

Or you drive by a police station and be like: "What if they find a corpse in the trunk of my car?
What if I'm on drugs without knowing it? I can't loose my license. How would I go to work? Seriously, the thought of prison or being the survivor of physical abuse doesn't even cross your mind. You're like: A corpse? In MY car? More likely than you'd think."
I'm drifting of. (1)

Anyway, that's how Arthur felt.
"What if I accidentally use magic?" Arthur didn't know how spells worked. Or what language they were in. What if some of them were similar to their own language?
What if half the people that were executed were just calling their children by their name and BAM, conjured a curse upon the land that would kill all of man kind?
Would his father kill him too?

Okay, maybe Arthur was well aware that someone must be very knowledgeable and powerful to manage a spell like that.
But his point stands.
He was exaggerated, surely. But he could imagine it. The anxiety and the fears his father had indoctrinated into his brain made him see potential sorcerers everywhere. Even in himself.
Anyone could use magic.

How else do people use magic if there are basically no books and no knowledge about it anymore, since all evidence and researches had been destroyed?
Arthur wondered, if maybe some people just stumbled upon magic somehow.
Or maybe found one of the not burned magic books and accidentally read a spell out loud. Could they really all be held responsible for that?
For accidents?

Magic was powerful. People felt drawn to power. And magic was a power that could grand you anything. Could give you anything you wanted. And you wouldn't even be aware of the price you had to pay for it. Speaking of which. Why did his father never specify what that price was?

Arthur knew that if he himself were in peril, he'd consider magic an option. To get out of whatever troubling situation he found himself in. He would turn to magic, if there was no other choice. If he could safe a life with it.
Had done so, when he tried to safe his own father's life.
Surely, the people of this land felt the similar?
Maybe they didn't have a choice? Maybe they were starving and magic was the only option?

Maybe the fact that so many people attacked Camelot with magic wasn't a coincidence?
What if Arthur was just a bad king who couldn't meet his people's expectations? Or worse. Their needs? Perhaps the people turned to magic because Arthur didn't protect them enough.
What if Arthur took too much and gave too little in return?

Maybe instead of harming sorcerers, of killing them for their actions, maybe he needed to improve the conditions that his people faced everyday instead.
Give his people options to turn to other means than magic.

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