reversed part 5

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A.N.:// WARNING: major character death ahead.....
(To my excuse.... I was just as surprised as you will be)


It was hot. The sun, that is. It was burning from the sky, and any second the leafs could be catching fire. Berries and flowers dried out almost instantly. And everything that lived tried to hide somewhere inside.
Oh. Yes. It was also snowing.
Cold, wet, freezing snow. The air pulsating with an energy that was hardly ever seen on earth or beyond.

In the very center of the chaos, waves of color pulsated from the house that harbored the immortal warlock. Known by the name of Emrys.
Everything beyond a small circle of the house was absolutely colorless.
Everything alive suffered.

Arthur had never felt so normal under so dire circumstances. Hunith on the other hand – she was bound to her chair at this point.
Her pupils widened with every color wave that washed over them.
It didn't look pleasant ... more like whatever feelings she was receiving from Merlin were overwhelmingly powerful.
Arthur could only imagine how it felt on the other side: beyond their magic bubble, where grays and black dominated the lands. Color completely drained from the wastelands.

"It will be over soon.", Hunith repeated like a mantra to herself. Like she had felt this before.
She probably had. "We will be fine. It'll be over soon. Not much longer."
But Arthur couldn't remember a single day where the world had drained so much in such a short time.

"How long will this last?", Arthur whispered. For what felt like the seventh time in the past couple of hours.
"A day. Maybe two.", she closed her eyes.
Merlin was still lying on the table. His eyes flickering gold, and his skin seeming to melt under all the power that he radiated.
Arthur stared down at him.

And once more he wondered.... 'why am I not affected?'
It was true. Arthur could not feel the waves of power. It was like they washed over him, caressing his skin gently like a breeze of wind, before disappearing.
Maybe the colors he saw were even more intense in Hunith's eyes?
He shook his head and went to change the cold patched on Hunith's face. She was sweating almost as uncontrollably as Merlin was.
So Arthur – as the only one capable of moving a muscle – went from person to person and checked if they were still breathing.

It had begun in the early morning hours.
All of a sudden, Merlin let out a war cry and it felt like the entire world was falling apart.
Soon enough, Arthur could hear people starting to panic. Might as well be the end of the world, they must have been thinking, upon seeing children collapse. No power or energy left for them to move any more than two or three steps before they fell where they used to play only moments before.
It was apocalyptic.

If Arthur hadn't known that SOMETHING was bound to happen due to Merlin's ridiculous state of mind... he would have panicked too.
Truth be told – he panicked anyway. Not even the best TED talk could prepare you for a complete shut down of LIFE. Because that is what this was.
A complete and utter SHUT down.

The people outside the Castle were practically dead. Their heart beats faintly small and hard to make out. Their breathing shallow and if Arthur hadn't checked with his sword (the way he checked on Merlin's breathing a day ago), he would have believed them so. Everyone was unconscious. And Arthur hoped they were all just sleeping and would wake up as soon as Merlin had calmed down.

Well – everyone passed out except for one person. Hunith – being in the middle of the magic bubble – received a full blown wave of life and existence and was now having something that resembled an epileptic shock. That however – was a wild guess comparison – as Arthur was no physician. He couldn't say for certain what she was going through.

Merlin's magic (Oneshots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora