Surrender - 3. The connection

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I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to finish this by Christmas. Because this is another escalated oneshot, and you know me :D

Anyway, this chapter is EXTREMELY fluffy. Tooth rotting, you may say. And by the GODS the pining! They are both terrible. I loved writing this chapter so much!

Btw. I could love to include more pictures, but wattpad doesn't like it when I do it anymore. I don't know why. I'm still doing art though! Feel free to check out my instagram if you haven't already.  The name is: Changelink23

I post mostly Merthur coded art, but sometimes also Goodomens. Now, that's enough advertisement. ( I don't get paid either way, I just want people to enjoy Merthur with me in all the ways I can contribute to the fandom.) But now, have fun reading my silly little story :)

"I can do this!"

Arthur is talking to himself. He had managed to convince Merlin to send him someone who would prepare the bath for him. Merlin had laughed until Arthur reminded him that he had technically promised not to use magic in Camelot and was also considered a GUEST. So, to NOT have a manservant at this point was just feeding an ill reputation for Camelot. Merlin had then rolled his eyes and done him the favor.

Now, Arthur is standing in front of the steaming bath as the sun is setting against the closed window. He has sent the servant out, feeling even less comfortable bathing in this presence than he already does without him. Arthur tests the water first by waving his hand through the soft wet and finds it just barely hot enough to enjoy for a short while. He scrunches his nose, knowing that his own baths aren't this mild in temperature.

He looks around and notices the mirror he had looked into the day before. Arthur marches over there and throws a blanket over the silver plate, just in case. Then he turns back around and says it again. "I can do this!"

He's losing confidence. Ever since his stroll with Merlin, or perhaps even since the hug, Arthur feels restless. It's a mix of missing his own body, being flustered around Merlin and something else that he can't quite place. He feels strangely vulnerable. Perhaps because this body doesn't have the muscles to fight that Arthur has worked for all his life. Perhaps it's something that goes deeper than that. He feels hollow and wonders which of these discomforting feelings is causing it. Is the body missing magic? Was that a thing that could happen? He supposes that if Arthur can miss his own body, then the body might also miss its soul. What can he say? Merlin's body just doesn't seem to fit right.

Arthur stands before the tub and closes his eyes as he quickly shrugs off all the clothes he has been wearing that day and hurries to get inside the mildly warm water. As he slides in, splashing water against the tab wall, he wonders if the servants or guards may have done something to it. It smells of lavender but that could be a ruse. It's a strangely sobering feeling. To think of the people he usually trusts and consider twice if they might wish to poison him. Or pee in the water. Who fucking knows?

Arthur opens his eyes only to search for the soap. The quicker the bath is done, the better he will feel. So, he scrubs off the grime and dirt from his hair, face, and arms, and hurries to get the rest done as well. As soon as he is out of the water and safely covered by a dry towel, Arthur exhales a deep sigh of relief.

It's ridiculous. He normally doesn't care if anyone sees him naked. Least of all himself. He puts his palm against his forehead. This is all Merlin's fault and his stupid laugh and the stupid hug and his wise words and - Arthur exhales. He puts on some dry robes and lies down on the bed. Wet hair dampens his pillows and he stares at the ceiling.

Merlin's magic (Oneshots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora