The magic realm ( part 7)

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I am ... tired, I thinkXD
I kinda really want the story to end. But I also like how it's developing. It's just.... so LONG. Why on earth do I keep doing this to myself?
Also, this chapter feels more like Arthur's mind ranting conclusions and interpretations. It was fun to write. I hope you like it XD

(also, random sketch because I love Merlin's boots)


Everything up until this point had felt so slow and stretched in time.
But the moment Tanus had appeared, everything suddenly happened in the blink of an eye.

The fire was illuminating and dangerous. Hot fiery rage, that's what this was.
Arthur send Merlin's regrets towards it, hoping they had the power to extinguish the fire.
Wave after wave of steam, Arthur send it's way, but he was feeling dryer and dryer by the second.

And Merlin, the idiot, was still standing uselessly by Arthur. Watching him with wide eye, because Arthur was using magic to fight a feeling.

A feeling....
Arthur managed to dodge one of those fiery wings and pushed Merlin away alongside him.
They were on the bottom of the sea now.
"Merlin, I said, run!", Arthur heaved through gritted teeth at Merlin, as they hid behind a wet rock.

"Are you nuts? I can't leave you here!", Merlin said, an shuddered at the mere thought of leaving Arthur's side.

"Merlin, I'm a warrior!"

"Are you planning to FIGHT this thing?", Merlin's eyes were wide in shock. As though Arthur had gone insane. "I thought you wanted them to see sense?"
"Yes. By FIGHTING them!", Arthur growled back, utterly confused.
"They are attacking us, Merlin. We HAVE to defend ourselves!"

Merlin's expression slacked. "Didn't you LISTEN to what Gaius said?"

Arthur blinked. "Huh?"
"Gaius said, NOT to fight these creatures under ANY circumstances! You can't attack them! You have to TALK to them!"

Arthur's jaw dropped, as he considered Merlin's words.
"Merlin, this ... is a giant dragon, made of fire, it's going to kill us."
"Arthur -", Merlin seemed hopeless, with all those tears about to spill in his eyes.
"Is that what they look like?"

It was quiet for one moment. Arthur blinked with realization. Oh god, he had totally forgotten, Merlin couldn't SEE them. Tanus was but a shadow to him. "Merlin, Tanus is your hatred."

Merlin quivered.
"Whatever they are, they're still a PART of me. What do you think happens, when they die?"

Arthur fell silent. They exchanged important glances.
"What do you suggest. Should we run?", Arthur asked this incredulously.
No wonder. The past few hours, he had been facing all kinds of Merlin's regrets to create a weapon that Merlin was supposed to use to destroy his fears.
Surely, Tanus wasn't his fears. But Merlin's fears followed the same rules as Tanus existence did.
GOD, Merlin couldn't even SEE them. He didn't even KNOW what they were fighting!

Was there an even bigger monster out there, waiting for them?
What did Merlin's fear look like? How was he supposed to fight it, without fighting it? Would Merlin even be able to recognize his own fears? (6)

"Arthur, I can not run from myself. I've made decisions I regret."

"I know.", Arthur frowned, slightly scared himself.
"I have to face them eventually."

"Merlin, this isn't your regrets. This is your hatred. Your anger. Are you planning on getting yourself killed by them?"

Merlin's shivering intensified. Arthur placed a gentle hand on Merlin's shoulders. "You don't have to be scared, Merlin."

Merlin's magic (Oneshots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin