The Battle of Five Armies

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This is a fanfiction based on Tauriel X Thranduil. Be warned that their may be a few swear words, but not much. Please enjoy and follow me if you really liked this first chapter. Comment if you have some ideas for my next chapter, or if you have some names for charecters, places or things....just comment. Thanks!                                                                                                                                                    Enjoy the book!

P.S   I'm thinking about writing a series.... ;)

Tears rolled down her face. Welling up, spilling over, rolling down and then falling. Her heart was broken into a million peices. Her one flicker of burning hope was......gone. Forever.

"Don't be stupid" Tauriel whispered to herself. But you loved him! screamed a voice inside her head.   "No, no, not anymore!" she cursed herself. Uh, then exactly WHY are you crying your eyes out over his dead body? the voice snarkily replied in her head. "I don't love him" she growled into her flowing red hair. So, why are you sitll here? Your crying over his dead body! Get over it! He's gone, and he isn't coming back!!"  "Would he come back?" Tauriel asked herself "Would he?". "Don't be stupid!" she told herself again. No way could he come back, not unless..."No!" she told herself. The only way she could think of was a way that would get her KILLED. Personally, be the king. Her titels would be striped from her, her possesions would be taken and then she would become an outcast in the Elven society. The only way to raise the dead was through necromancy, but that was banned. And her position was to great to lose. Even though she was only a captain of the gaurd, it ment the world to her. It was the one thing that kept her going on, pulling through all this hardship. It was her life, her passion, her glory....her one thing that kept her as Thranduil's lap dog. She was given a slighly bigger room than the servants, who shared double.It wasn't much but it was a sighn of how much he prized her over everyone else. It was a sighn of how much he cared about her.

Pressing her hand into his she placed down his prized possesion, a talisman. A rune stone. He had said to her "Take this, it means a lot to me but....I want you to have it." And then he had left for the mountain, for Erebor. It was the last time she had seen him before he had been murdered before her very eyes.

Gathering her weapons, bow, arrows, quiver and twin daggers she turned around. She gasped standing in the archway was King Thranduil. How much had he heard? How much had he seen? What was she going to do? "My lor-" she began. He raised his palm for silence."Why does it hurt so much?!" she blurted before she could stop herself. "It hurst so truly loved him, Tauriel" he  plainly stated. "But why?!" she argued back, "Why does it have to hurt so much, why can't it end?!" she yelled. "I do not have the power to end this for you Tauriel, it is you that must your own pain. It is you who must end it" Before she knew what was happening she felt two strong arms wrap around her, pulling her close. "My-lord-I-I-I" she stamered. But pulling her closer, he whisphered "Shhh, don't worry about that now, it will only make things worse..". Sobbing harder that ever she cried into his soft cream robes. "" she whispered."How....".                                         "It will all come right in it's own time, Tauriel" he murmured, consolingly.

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