Going Home

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Tauriel felt the strong arms leave her side. Resting on her shoulders she felt her chin being lifted up. Meeting the her own hazel eyes where those cold grey ones.                                                                             "It will all come right, Tauriel" Thranduil in a whisper that was barley audiable above the howling wind.   "I will go, I should tell my army to reatreat.....Will come with me back to Mirkwood?" he asked. "I-I Yes my Lord" she answered.

Following Thranduil out of the rock archway she thought to herself, the dwarves will find Kili, his body will be in good hands. Baley noticing where she was goig she followed the King. Turning a corner she gasped, The Mirkwood Army hadn't been able to fit in the old courtyard in the ruined city of Dale. Some of the elves had to stand outside. But now it was different, very different indeed. Less than an eighth of the army was huddled in the courtyard. "Come! We are going back to Mirwood!" Thranduil's voice rang out crisp and clear over the awkard scilence that lay acros the army. The elven troops turned and bagn to file out of the arcways that remained. "Father, the orcs, they are still out there! It will not be safe to leave Dale!" Legolas' white-blond head was bobbing towards us. "We will go back to Mirkwood, we kill whatever strays into out path." There was Thranduils voice again.

"My lord how will we-" Tauriel began, he held up his hand. "From on on I am Thranduil to you" he said. "Oh" was Tauriel's stunned reply. Suddenly Legolas was striding towards her, a smile resting on his face. "Tauriel, how glad I am to see you." "And I you, my prince" I replied. "Please, call me Legolas...mellon"  Smiling to myself, I let Legolas lift me up onto his horse.

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