Coming Round

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Soft sunlight was pouring through a window. Where was a I? Wasn't I supposed to be fighting in the second battle? Proping myself up on some pillows I had a look aroud the unfamilar room. It looked like...the healing room. Back home. Hearing footsteps I swung round walking towards me was a Healer. "Oh thank goodness you're up! I was wondering when you would". I just looked at her, what did she mean? "I'm sorry but I don't know what your talking about. What do you mean "wake up"? I asked the healer. "Why, were hit with a Morgul shaft! Poison! That's why you probably don't remember.." Hold on....a Morgul shaft...but those were ver rare! How was that possible?! "But how? Morgul shafts are really rare! How!?" I asked. "Well I don't know how it got there darling but you were brought to me so I fixed you up!" she smiled. "It's a good thing the King put Dragon Tears on your wound, without I might not have been able to save you..." she nodded happily. Thranduil had put Dragon Tears on my shaft wound, he had saved me instead of letting me die.....he cared for me... Did he care though? Or was it Legolas that had made him do it? I was so confused. There must have been a curious expression on my face because the Healer returned with a steaming cup of herbal tea. "Drink this darling, it will make you feel better". Taking the cup I took a sip. It was if a warm, soft blanket had been thrown on top of me. The calming smell of herbs and fruit tickled my nose. Sighing I lent back into the pillows. "Feel better don't you darling?" the Healer was asking me. "Thank you, I feel a lot better now". Turning round the Healer left the room. Closing my eyes I let myself fall asleep.                                  


Tauriel had been out for four days. Each day I had visited her in the Healing wing of the castle. Each day she had been unconsious. Tonight I was going to visit her again. The sound of boots clacking on the wodden floor rang out. Loud and clear in the silent corridor. Turning round to see who it was I saw Legolas. His face was difficult to read, he looked torn between happiness and disbelief. "Father, Tauriel has woken up! The Hearler told me." Legolas sounded really happy. He was probably excited, after all he and Tauriel had grown togerther.Legolas was still standing there. "Thank you for telling me Legolas, please get some rest now. Tomorow you will go back to your gaurd duties." I told him. "Yes Father" he replied and turned and left. Back in my room I sat down on my bed. Would Tauriel remember the Dragon Tears? Would she remember the arrow at all? Was she all right? With my mind buzzing I quietly walked to my door. Opening it very slowly I stuck my head out into the corridoor. Legolas was nowhere to be seen. Good. Closing my door I rushed to the Healing wing. Upon reaching the door I slipped inside. Tauriel's bed was at the far end by the window. Walking as silently as I could. I sat donw on a chair by her bed. Careful not to wake her I looked at her shoulder. The bandage on her shoulder was speckeled with red stains. Walking over to the oak cabinet I rummaged through it's contents. After a while I managed to find the the bandages. Walking bak to her bed I sat down once more. Lifting her arm I slowly uncliped the little gold silp. Letting the bandage unravel it's self I ste to work unrolling the new one. Slowly and carefully pulling of the rest I winced. The wound was tinged black around the edges, the inside was still red. Shuddering, I wrapped the new bandage around her shoulder. Satisfied I stood up, admiring my work. Scooping up the old bandage I quietly crept to the small carved oak bin in the corner of the room. Slowly lowering my hand in I let the bandage drop. Taking on e last look at Tauriel I went back to my room.


Sunlight was streaming throught the window again. On my bedside table was a tray. On it were a bowl of steaming tomato soup, a ripe red apple, a steamy mug of hot herbal tea, a bowl of nuts and a set of silver cutlery. Smiling, I picked up the spoon and began to spoon the soup into my mouth. Sighing I let out a happy giggle. Who knows when the last time I had eaten was? Setting down the now empty soup bowl I grabbed the apple and began to eat it. The sweet tase of fresh apple washed over my tounge. Feeling thirsty I lokked around the room for water. Seeing what I wanted I stood up, walking unsteadily towards the carved marble fountain I dipped my cup in. Swallowing the fresh, cold water I felt so good... Before ging back to my bed I went over to the bin in the corner. Something was sticking out of it, it looked like...parchment. Scooping up the roll of parchment I untied the thin string around it. It was a note....for me. I read through the note, it said:

Dear Tauriel,

I hope you are feeling better. I was told that you woke up last night by a Healer. Guard duties are supposed to start tomorow but you don't have to do them, Father said so. I will not have any duties today, I will visit you at two hours from now. I will bring lunch for the two of us. I also will bring something for you, it is a surprise! Wait and see..

Yours,   Legolas

Enlightened by the thought of Legolas's visit I went to the bathroom. Grabbing a brush I ran I through my hair. It looked a lot better now. Using the cup that I had drank from I used it to wash my face. And finally I squeesed some herb paste onto my hands, rubbing it on my face, neck, hands and shoulders. Noticing the bandage I squinted, why was it new? It was supposed to be an old bandage. Oh well, I guessed that one of the Healers changed it in the night. Walking back to my bed I reached  for the drawer under my bedside table. Finding what I wanted I went back to the bathroom. Changing out of my old cream robes and into my new ones. I felt really happy now, I was refreshed, clean and now properly dressed.


I left Tauriel a note, did she get it? I was really excited, SHE HAD FINALLY WOKEN UP!! Telling myself to calm down I walked to the kitchens. Grabbing a tray from the rack a wondered round the kitchens. Picking up two golden plates I wondered further into the kitchens. Picking up some berries, apple and grapes I put them into a bowl. Pushing that onto the tray I walked on. Using two wodden spoons I put down four big slices of chicken, two for Tauriel and two for me. Walking to the vegetable boxes. I went to get some vegetables. Once I collected what I wanted I left the kitchens. Smiling I made my way to the Healing wing.

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