The Second Battle

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I had a really good view from Legolas's horse. I could see the army trudging along behind me, it was heartbreaking to watch. They looked so out of it, so down, so....unhappy and upset. It brought tears to my eyes. 

A sudden snarling rang out, loud and clear through the crisp winter air. The sound of bowstring being pulled, that was the army. Thranduil was speaking to Legolas and I, "If it's orcs we kill, if it's anything else break their ranks and lead the army to Mirkwood. Am I understood?". "Yes father" that was Legolas. I heard myself saying "Yes my lord-Thranduil".

It was orcs. They came like wave over a rock in the water. They were apon us in seconds. But we were ready for them, arrows flew like birds in the sky. Each one finding it's mark. I felt Legolas's horse shift underneath me, we were off. Gliding effortlessy, we broke the first ranks of orcs. I heard a swish of a sword. The second battle had begun.

Above the sword swinging and the orc screaming black speech I herad another sound, it sounded the the soft swish of....wings. Then over the stony ridge, there they were. Eagles. Big, brown and strong these birds were amazing fighters. Thranduil must have called them. Swooping amogst the orcs they grabbed one then tossed them out of sight. It was a wonder to see. Ahead of us was Bolg. Spinning round when we aproched, he swung a rusted sword at me. Legolas just had time to steer his horse away. Turning round once more Legolas whispered "Try and aim for his shoulder or his neck, their his weakest points". Preparing my bow and arrows I was ready. Ready to aim. Ready to realease. Ready to kill. Pulling back the bow string if steadied the arrow. Yelping in pain I felt myself falling backwards. White hot pain was spreading through my body like waves of burning fire. 


The eagels were here, but would they be enough? Turning round I saw a flash of red. That was Tauriel on Legolas's horse. Turning to see were they were headed I gasped in horror. Ahead of the was Bolg. Spawn of Azog that creature was disgusting, foul and just horrible. I felt a swish next to my shoulder. Spinnig round once more I lept into battle once again. The orc who had tried to injure me was trying to kill one of my soilders. Leaping on top of him, I pushed the blade of my sword into his back. I felt him crumpeling beneath me. That was such a satisfiying feeling. A scream of pain filled the air. The orcs were reatreating. Why? Then I saw the reason. Tauriel. As if the time had slowed dowm I saw her body slip off Legolas's horse. Falling, falling, falling she hit the groung earth a dull thud. Towering above her was Bolg. In his hands was a rusty sword. Charging towards him I felt myself collide with him. In a flash of blades, fists and the dust he lay dead in the sandy ground. "Father, father are you all right?" Legolas was running towards me. "I'm fine, how is Tauriel? I asked. "Well, I think we should hurry Father, get her back to the healers." was Legolas relpy. Judging by his tone, something was wrong. What was Legolas hiding from me? Was Tauriel....dead? Hurring towards Legolas's horse I saw her. Stretched across the saddel was Tauriel. Her body limp and light was so pitiful. Rushing faster towards her I saw blood seeping from her shoulder. Looking closer I let out a small gasp. Protruding out of her shoulder was a Morgul shaft. In one swift, fluid movement I grabbed the shaft and pulled it out. Casting it aside I reached into my robes. Finding what I wanted I pulled out a silver locket. In between the silver swirls was a little glass phial. In this I kept a most magical thing....Dragon Water. It could only be collected when the moon was at it's highest point in the sky. A Moonlight Dragon had to be under it at that precice moment. It would relax and bathe in the light of the moon. While it was relaxed small tears would leak out of the corners of it's eyes. If it was left in the open for too long it would turn hard and would be unsuitiable for use. Tipping a drop onto Tauriel's wound I let it set. Now nothing could get in. She would hopefully live.


I watched Father as he poured a drop of Dragin Tears onto Tauriels wound. I felt really stressed, worried and pressured. Would we get back to Mirkwood in time? Could the healers save Tauriel? Stop worrying Legolas, she'll be all right. The healers can make her right. The've nevr failed...yet. Murmuring to myself that Tauriel would live I walked upto Father. "Will she live Father?" I asked. "I think so but I can not be sure.." he replied. "Shall I call the army?" I questioned, hoping that it would be helpful to him. "Yes Legolas, please do that. I do not want them to be injured.". Nodding my head I turned to leave. Walking towards a outcrop of rock I blew my hunting horn three times. That was the reatreating signal. Golden figures approched me. Releif broke over their faces. They were so tired. They had fought long and hard, I was so happy when I saw releif on their faces. "Come, we will go now!" I called. Curling then uncurling my hands I let them follow me. Father was waiting for me by my horse. His cold grey eyes traveled over the army. Then he nodded. All seemed to be in order. Everything except Tauriel... Me eyes flicked back to my horse, still there was her limp form. Shuddering, I walked towards my Father. Taking my place beside him I looked at the army. It was a sad sight. More of them were injured, some of them were bruised, battered and hurt... but this was it. We had made it through. We were suvivours!

Hey guys! Sorry for leaving it on such a cliffhanger! I had to! :)   Anyway, you still got your longer chapter! It almost the Chinese New Year Hoildays so I'll be able to do some more writing. (hopefully)  Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

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-19knoefag2 :)

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