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Peters POV

"Come on kid get up you're leaving now"Tony says waking me up.
I don't ask any questions and get up and leave May a message that I'm leaving early. I see Y/N getting rushed out the door she looks just as confused as I am. Steve sees me and and drags me to car.

"Uh what's going on" I say.
No one responds.
I put my things in the trunk and sit next to Y/N in the car.

"I'll be in touch you guys"Tony says shutting the door.
Then Happy starts driving.

"Uh what's going on no one has said anything to me"I say.

"They have a lead on an attack so we're leaving early" Y/N says putting her hood up.
She's still in her pajamas and her hair is a high ponytail. She just woke up as well.

"So uh where's the safe house" I ask.

"The Hamptons"Y/N said.
She leans on the window still sleepy.
An hour later we get pull up to the house. It's still dark out and Y/N is still sleeping.


"Hey uh we're here" Peter says.
I look up and see it's still dark. I get out and grab my bags from Peter who is still starring at the house.

"Come on I'll show you to your room" I say.
Peter follows me up stairs to his room.

"My room is just down the hall" I say leaving.
I go downstairs to say bye to Happy.

"Okay if you need me I'll be here in 2 minutes ok"Happy says.

"Are you staying in town"I ask.

"Ya I'm not gonna let you guys stay here alone"Happy said going out the door.
I head back to my room and bump into Peter leaving the bathroom.

"Sorry" I say and quickly walk to my room.
I fall onto my bed yell into my pillow. I couldn't have made that any more awkward then it was come on. I grab my shower tote and bring it to my bathroom. The cold tile on the floor felt nice on my bare feet. I turn on the shower to actually wake myself up and I put a fuzzy towel on the rack next to the shower. After my shower it was almost 6 which is still early so I wondered around the house it's way smaller than at home but for two teenagers it's perfect. I go to the kitchen and open the fridge and it's completely empty. I'll have text Happy to order some groceries. As I'm going back upstairs to get my phone I see Peter sitting outside on the deck by himself. I get my phone and go back downstairs to see Peter to ask if he wants anything. I open the door which scared him because he jumped up.

"Hey uh I'm asking Happy to get us some groceries so do you want anything" I ask.

"Umm I don't know nothing sounds good"Peter says.

"So what are you doing out here I'd thought you'd be sleeping"I say sitting down next to him.

"Oh I couldn't sleep and I'm waiting for May to call"Peter said.
There was a silence pause between us.

"It's nice out here but I like the city more"I say.
Peter smiles.

"Ya I like the city more probably because I've never really been in the country side of New York"Peter says.

"You've never been in the country before"I say.

"Not really but this is just the Hamptons it's not really country" Peter says.

Spidy heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora