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Peters POV

I go back to sleep with Y/N next to me and wake up but notice she's gone. I get up and wonder downstairs to find her but I see Tony's dead body and Beck standing above him.

"The poor Peter Parker. Lost his parents both father figures and charming girlfriend"Beck says walking towards me.

"What do you mean where's Y/N?"I say trying not to show how scared I am.

"You didn't hear she killed her self. Yah the pain was too much for her so she ended it, with some help from me"Beck said.

"That's not true she would never do that"I say back.

"Really go look in her bathroom"
I run upstairs and burst through the bathroom door seeing a huge pool of blood and her body in the middle of it with a knife to her abdomen.

"No no no"I say coming to her side. I pick her up and try to wake her but she isn't breathing. I fall back and just stare at her lifeless body that was scared in my head.

I jump up and see Y/N gone. I get up and run to her bathroom scared to see what I find. I run inside and nothings there?

"Hey Peter did you ever call May back she's been text like crazy"Y/N said from behind me.

"There you are" I say relieved.

"You ok?"she says giving me a concerned look.

"Ya uh what time is it?"I ask running a hand through my hair.

"Almost 7 I forgot to turn off my school alarm"Y/N says.

"Your going to school?"

"I don't know, I-I don't know what to do stay home depressed or go to school depressed" Y/N says upset.

"Stay home school isn't gonna help" I say from experience.

"Ok you're right"she says sitting down on her bed.
She turns on the tv and it opens right to the news station.

"The billionaire genius Tony Stark or known as Ironman died during a mission against the villain known as Mysterio. Tony Starks sudden passing was a shock to all of us and we send our condolences to his wife Virginia 'Pepper' Potts."the anchor woman says.
I turn off the tv before she can say anything else. Y/N just sits at the end of the bed slouched with her head in her hands. I sit next to her and she starts crying into my shoulder holding onto me to make sure I wasn't going anywhere. I hug her and cry a little. Knowing that Y/Ns only parents she's ever had are gone. And people only saw Tony as a rich guy who had no filter but he was actually a great father and no one knows about it.


I grab onto Peter keeping me close to him while I cried. He comforts me until I'm done. What a great way to start the day I thought to myself.

"Sorry it's to early for crying"I say sitting up and wiping my nose with my sleeve.

"It's ok to cry you know" Peter says looking at me. I noticed his eyes were a bit red too."You want to get some food"

"Sure" I say in an unsatisfied tone.

We get downstairs and almost everyone is already up. I can feel them starring at me probably feeling sorry for me but I don't want to hear it. I make some toast and sit down at the counter next to Peter and eat.

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