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3 months later

I'm in my third period when this new girl sits next to me. She has long dark hair and is taller then me.

"Alright class we have a former student here with us. Liz Allen" my teacher said.
Everyone turned around and waved like they knew her except me. I think I remember Ned talking about her how Peter liked her before he met me.

"Hey I'm Y/N" I said being polite.

"Hi I'm Liz" she says smiling.
I check my phone and see Peter texted me asking if I wanted to get lunch off campus. I can feel Liz staring down at my phone like she's spying on me.

"Sorry I just noticed your Lock Screen is that Peter Parker" Liz says.
Uh stalker much.

"Yes he's my boyfriend" I say.

"Oh Peter and I we're close when I left" she says.
Uh I'm sorry why are you telling me this.

"Oh really he never mentioned you" I said trying to get her to stop talking.
Her face looks ahead as if she's trying to compose herself.
Class ends and I met up with Peter,Ned and MJ for lunch.

"Do you know Liz" I ask.

"Uh ya she moved a year before the blip why" Peter says.

"Well she moved back and I just had a class with her. She said the two of you used to close" I say looking at Peter.

"I used to know her but we were never close she was to popular" Peter says looking me in the eye.

"Come on losers I'm hungry"MJ says.
We finish lunch and I head to my next class.

Peters POV

I get to my French class after lunch and see Liz sitting next to my seat.

"Hey Peter" Liz says smiling at me.

"Hey Liz" I say back.
I sit down and take out my books. Then I hit something with my elbow it was Lizs drink. It spills all over her shirt.

"Ugh" she said trying to clean up the mess.

"Oh my I'm sorry let me help" I say I grab some  paper towels and help clean up mess.

"Great now I have to wear this sticky wet shirt for the rest of the day"Liz says.
I take off my hoodie and hand it to her.

"Here it's my fault just take it" i said.
She puts it on and smiles at me.

"Thanks Peter" she says.


I see Peter after school before I go home.

"Hey where's your sweatshirt" I ask.

"Oh uh it's in my locker" Peter says.

"Ok well I'm going home be safe tonight" I tell Peter before I get in the car.
Tonight he has his Spider-Man duties so he can't come home with me.
When I get in the car I look out the window and see Liz wearing Peters sweatshirt. Why didn't Peter tell me.
I get home I'm still upset about Peter lying to me but maybe he thought he put it in his locker but actually he gave it to Liz.

One week later

I'm at school going up the stairs when I see Peter and Liz together at his locker. She hands him his hoodie back then wraps her arm around him. I walk over to them and just stare. Peter shakes Liz off of him.

"Liz can you go" I say in a serious tone.
She walks away leaving just me and Peter.

"What the hell was that" I say.

"She was just saying hi" Peter says.

"And exchanging hoodies" I said looking at his in his hand from when Liz gave it back.

"What no last week I spilled Lizs drink on her so I gave her my hoodie" Peter says.
I can tell he feels bad.

"Then why did you lie to me when I asked where your hoodie was last week" I said.

"Because I'm dumb it was dumb of me to lie to you"Peter says.
He looks so guilty but I'm not gonna forgive him yet.

"Please be honest with me. Do you still like Liz" I ask. Looking down at the floor.

"What no" Peter said holding my hands.
I look up to him and hug his waist.

"Come on let's go to class" I say.
Peter holds my hand and walks right next to me.

Peters POV

I was so surprised when Y/N hugged me after our fight but I am thankful that this whole thing is done with.
The next day at lunch Liz comes by our table with red paper.

"Hey guys so I'm having a valentines party at my house and you all can come I put all the details in the paper hope you come" Liz says the goes off to her friends.

"I'm not going" MJ said.

"Ya we kinda knew that was coming"Ned says.
MJ punches him in the arm and we all laugh.

"Are we going to this" I ask Y/N.
She reads the paper.

"Well there's gonna be free food so why not" she says. She doesn't look that excited about it though.

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