The party

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I get home from school and throw my bag in my room and the go downstairs to grab some food. Then I go to my dads garage he's been working on some upgrades to his suit.

"Hey dad hows the suit coming"I said.

"I'm almost done with it actually" he says.

"Oh nice. So Peter and I got invited to a Valentine's Day party and I was wondering if we could go"I asked.

"Are you going to drink" dad says.

"What no I just want the free food"I said.
My dad looks at me and smiles.

"Ok then I guess you can go but be home by 11" dad says.

"Ok I will thanks" I said.
I text Peter that I got permission and he responds with a thumbs up.

Day of the party.

Peter and I are at lizs house waiting for Ned so he doesn't have to walk in alone. Ned shows up wearing his new hat. When we come inside it looked just like a night school party from the movies. All the trash on the floor the music playing. We walk through the entry way to the back of the house where kids where playing beer pong.

"Peter you came just in time" Liz says. Then takes him by the arm into the crowd.

"I'm going to the kitchen" Ned said.
I turn around to see where Peter was going before I followed Ned to the kitchen.

"Oh look they have whip cream in the can"Ned says and fills his mouth up with whip cream.
I laugh and eat some chips that are out. Peter would come and see me but Liz never let him stay for long.

"Jeeze every time I see you you get fatter and fatter" one of Lizs friends said to me.

"And every time I see you you get more and more jealous that I actually have a boyfriend not just some hookup for the night" I said leaving her silent.

"Wow that was awesome" Ned says.
I smile then I see Peter coming.

"Come on let's go" Peter says while getting our coats.

"Some boyfriend you have" another one of Lizs friends said.
Liz and two of her friends come running to me.

"What's going on" I said.

"I'll tell you outside" Peter says rushing me out the door.

"Peter kissed Liz" a girl shouts.
I turn and see Peter looking at me his eyes wide and serious.

"Is that true" I say to Peter.
He's about to speak when Liz shoves a phone in my face.

"Just watch"Liz says.
I watch the video. Peter and Liz are alone in a hallway and they both kiss. Peter didn't even break away. I look at Peter with my eyes watering.

"I'm sorry"he says.
His eyes are pleading for forgiveness.

"Don't talk to me I'm done" I said going down the steps.

"Please wait I-"Peter says before I cut him off.
I turn around and face him.

"No it's obvious that you like Liz ever since she's moved here you and her have been having these secrets and you didn't even try to pull away from her kiss. Where you ever gonna tell me you kissed or would I have to catch you in the act again. I'm done Peter I'm going home" I said pulling out my phone to call Happy.

Everyone from the party it looking out the windows watching me and Peter. Neds face stares at the both of us he can't believe what he's witnessing.

"Happy I need you to pick me up now" I say with a shaky voice.

"Ya kid I'll be there. Are you ok" Happy says.
I clear my throat.

"No I want to go home" I say.
I look at Peter he has his hands at his head he does that when he's stressed.

"Go home already" I said sitting on the curb.

"Not until Happy picks you up" he says.
Ugh I don't want to look at him.

"Did we just break up" Peter asks.
I don't say anything.

"Please say something.... I don't want to lose you say something" Peter raises his voice.
I get up and look at him he's tearing up.

"Yes Peter we're done" I said wiping my tears.
Peter turns around running his fingers through his hair. Happy pulls up and I get in as quick as I could.

"Go" I say.

"What about Peter aren't we taking him home" Happy says confused.

"No just go" I say.

"Are you ok" Happy says.

"No Peter and I just broke up" I said wiping my eyes.

"I'm sorry kid" Happy says.
I get home and run upstairs to my room. I hear dad try and say something to me but I ignored him. I throw myself on my bed and stuff pillow in my face and cry. 5 minutes later I hear someone knocking on my door.

"Y/N sweetie can I come in" dad says.
I unlock my door and go back to my bed.

"Hey what's wrong Happy said I should talk to you" dad said sitting next to me rubbing my back.

"It's Peter. He he cheated on me" I say.

"What" dad said.
I tell him about the whole thing with Liz and how she's been flirting with Peter. And the time where Peter lied over his stupid sweatshirt. And I told him about what happened at Lizs party.

"I'm sorry kid I know how special you guys were. That's why the only guy a girl can trust is they're dad" he says picking me up and wiping my tears with this thumbs.

"It hurts" I cry out.

"I know come here"dad says laying my head on his chest.

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