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I woke up to the most pounding headache I've ever had and in giant shirt. I go straight downstairs to get some ibuprofen and food I see Peters already up.

"Hey sleeping beauty it's noon not morning"Peter says.

"What happened last night how did I end up in this shirt" I say.

"You don't remember"Peter says.
I shake my head.

"Well to sum it up you got drunk started singing and dancing then stripped so I brought you back and put you to bed"

"Oh god I remember now"I say. All the events from the party start coming back. I go to the bathroom and look at myself. My hair is all tangled and my mascara is wiped along my face with what I think is some of my vomit in my hair. I take a long shower and just space out looking at the wall I guess my brain is still asleep. After my shower I just lay on my bed still recovering from last night and Peter comes in.

"Hey I forgot to bring these in from last night so here you go"He says while putting my blouse and my missing earring on my bed.

"Hey you found it I must have lost it last night after I was with Gavin"I say.
Then I remember that I kissed Gavin.

"Ya you two seem close" Peter says leaving my room.
I put some clothes on and find Peter in his room.

"Sorry for last night" I say.

"We don't do so well at party's"Peter says.
I laugh.

"Ya"I say.
There's a silence I just mess around on Peters bed.

"So I saw you and Gavin kiss last night"Peter says.
I feel so embarrassed.

"Oh you saw that"I say.

"Ya. So is he your boyfriend now"Peter says. He doesn't look at me.

"No it's not him who I like"I say.
Peter looks at me with wide eyes.

"W-who do you like?"Peter says.

"You Peter and I don't just like you I still love you"I say.
Peter starts blushing.

"But why I ruined everything between us"Peter says.

"Maybe but you spending summer with me, your ex then taking care of me at the party I remember all the reasons why I still love you. Like how you put up with all my moods in one day and you always make sure to check on me even when I'm cranky. So I don't know if you feel the same but I still love you Peter"I say.
Peter is looking at me with the biggest smile.

"I do. Y/N I still love you too"Peter says.

I smile and go over and kiss him passionately.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this"Peter says moving your hair from your face.
I just smile and continue to kiss him.

"So will you be my girlfriend again?"Peter says into my neck.

"Yes" I say back hugging his waist.
Right a after I hear car doors shut. Peter stands up straight looking out the window. I stay silent and watch Peter scope around outside from the window.

"There's at least maybe 6 guys outside you call Happy and tell him what's going on"Peter says in a low voice looking for his suit.

"Ok"I say and go to the farthest room in the house. I look out my window to see if anyone could see me then I grab my phone and call Happy.

"There's 6 guys in the driveway right now"

'What!! Ok I'll be there in 5' Happy said in a hurry.

As I hung up I heard a loud crash come from downstairs. I slowly creep down the hallway to look down the staircase to see what's going on. I lean forward and see Peter fighting 2 guys and another coming from behind.

Peters POV

As I was fighting the 2 guys I sensed a third coming from behind. I had to be quick if I wanted to Webb the guy from behind so turned around webbed him and cam back around and there was only one guy. I look down and see Y/N on getting up from the floor. She must have taken them other guy out.

"Thanks"I say and taking out the last guy.

"You looked like you needed help"she says smiling.
I see one last guy coming in but falls forward. Happy comes from behind him.

"Come on"Happy says.
We follow him outside. There was a bunch of shield agents here already.

"Have you found this guy yet I want to go home"Y/N said annoyed.

"Yes actually. All the materials were from hydra and tracked it back to a old warehouse in Russia. These guys here are from hydra they were supposed to take you guys and use you as bait but thanks to Natasha for going undercover we were on step ahead" Happy said.

I feel relief come over me. I look at Y/N who can't stop smiling.

"So are you excited to go back home"I ask.
Y/N looks at me she's nearly jumping up and down.

"Come on we should go pack now I want to leave as soon as possible"She says running back inside.


I got all packed up and as too excited to see everyone again I missed them so much. Peter was leaning on me for most of the ride home. I know he's excited to see May and Ned again but he's tired. I played with his hair messing it up and putting it in small pony tails. When we got back to Queens I woke Peter up his hair was a mess from me. I quickly fix it before we got back to the compound. We pull up and before the car is parked I run out to find my dad.

"Dad?"I said opening the doors.
I see him come to the entryway. I give him a tight hug.

"Hey kid you miss me"he said hugging me back. He pick me up letting my feet dangle.
I finally felt like I was home.

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