My Life

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Levi's POV


The bell rung loudly, interrupting the teacher. "Ok, remember your homework today." she said. The once colorful board was erased to a crisp, clean white. I grabbed my things and walked out of class. You might be asking who I am right? Well, I'll tell you.

I am Levi Ackerman. The school's basketball player and the most good looking and popular guy in high school. I am a Junior, while everyone refers me as perfect, and can get any girl. The funny thing is, is that I don't want any girls. I am gay.


It's not bad and most of my friends know that. Its a bit awkward for them sometimes, but they got over it quickly. I haven't came out yet, but I am going to some day. Just

I walk down the white halls. The air smelled like sweat and girl perfume, along with Axe. It wasn't a pleasant smell, not at all, but I got used to it after a while. I turned the corner and was met with familiar faces of my grade. 

I kept walking until I heard a voice. A low male voice and I knew it was Bushy Brows. "Hello Levi." I glance to my right, and see a big-ass tree. 

Erwin Smith. He has blonde hair, that is shaved on the bottom and shiny. He is a football player, tall, and strong. Even though everyone else is shorter than him, he has a big heart. He is nice to everyone and can make everyone smile. Well, except me. He's pretty good looking, but not my type. 

I guess I don't really have a type. Anwyas...even if I did like him that way he already has a boyfriend anyways. His name is Armin.

"Hey Erwin!!" speaking of Armin. A blonde haired boy was running up to us. He has a bowl shaped haircut, and has blue eyes. He is way shorter than Erwin though, and less stronger. His sweet, and care for others makes it all up in the end. I don't mind him at all, I even enjoy some extent. 

I let them be and walk away. 

I go through the school, looking for nothing. I turn the corner, but only to be topled by my friend Hanji Zoe. Also knows as 'Shitty Glasses.'

"LEVIIII!!!" she yells. Right. In my. Ear.

"What the fuck Shitty Glasses!? Stop yelling!!" She just smiles and hugs me tighter. I peel myself away from her, and comb down my hair. She has brown hair, that is always pulled up into a pony tail. Obviously, she has glasses and is way to happy in life. I am 5'3 so I have to look up at her. I glare at her hoping to shut her up, but that was an epic fail.

"Oh come on Leviii. Chill your face muscles!!"

"Tch." I click my tongue and start to walk away. I have way to much homework, and on top of all that I have basketball practice. Our next game is in 1 month, so we need to get ready.


I walk to my house, and grab some water. After, I seated my ass on the couch and did all my studies. Eating a small snack, which is some water and a honey bar.  

I glanced at my clock, 5:49. Practice is at 6:15. Running up to my room, I put on my shorts, and loose tank top. I grab my basket ball and water bottle then ran to practice. I got there at 6:14.

Perfect. Just in time. 

"All right, everyone start doing laps!!" Yelled our coach. His name is Shadis and I didn't bother learning his last name. I threw my ball to the side, and started running. 

"Hey Levi." a voice said. It is Gunter said, as he ran up to me. 

"Hi. Whats up?" 

"Nothing much, except practice." he said. I just nodded my head, and kept running. We ran for 7 minutes straight. We did some push-ups, scrunches and planks. After all of that, then we practiced. 

To coach, everything and everyone had to be perfect. If you didn't get a pass right, then you would get yelled at. He excepts nothing but perfection, same with me and cleaning. I am a clean freak, and a very good one of that. 

~Time skip~

After practice, I walked home. I walked home, and took a warm relaxing shower. After, I ate a small dinner, cleaned up, got ready for tomorrow, and went upstairs. I flopped down on my bed, and went to sleep. 

Beep Beep Be-

"Urg." I slammed my fist onto my clock. 6:00. Time to get ready for today. I got up, and washed my face, brushed my teeth, hair and did my morning routine. Finishing my breakfast and all it was 7:50. I grabbed my bags, and ran to the school. 

I got there just in time. I headed to class, but bumped into someone on the way. 


"Oh gee, i'm sorry." I looked up, and say 2 stunning eyes. For a second I got lost in them. They were multi-colored and sparkling.The green in the middle fanned out and turned into a light tropical blue. With some gold flakes on the bottom middle. With long eyelashes outlining them perfectly. 

I stood back to see the person with these eyes. I then saw saw him. The boy who will forever change my life. 

Hoped you liked this. I made any changes and i'm gonna be doing this to every chatper. Don't forget to check out my other stories!! Bye for now!! ^^

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