Help (Please Read)

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Hey guys I hope you are enjoying my story so far.


There is one small issue, though. For the bad guys what should his name be? You can give me the full name or last or first. Can you do this for me inn the comments. 

Last - 

First - 

Full Name - 

The names you guys come up with can be from an anime or you can make up the name. Whatever the name I chose/choose I will make sure the character fits the name if not from an anime. If your choosing one from an anime I know these animes...

Attack On Titan

Ouron Host Club

Tokyo Ghoul

Black Butler 


I pretty sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now. I always have loved anime, but I don't watch that much. Also if there is one I should watch I would love to hear it. 

Just Comment The Name(s) In The Comments And I Will Pick 2. One Last Name And One First!! 

Happy Naming!! (IDK) 

My only Love (Ereri)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon