Chapter Forty-Six

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I wasn't sure how it happened

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I wasn't sure how it happened. I wasn't even sure how I let it get it this far.

The whole gang was back on campus. Classes already started. Professors were already piling up the readings and assignments, not letting any of the students have a breather.

Two days had passed since we landed and I haven't had the time to see Jaylen. Okay, maybe it was because I didn't want to see him yet. Especially after what happened, I didn't have the strength to face him.

After he told me he loved me, I froze. As if the three words got caught up in my throat, stuck there and unable to move. As much as I wanted to say those three words, I couldn't.

I didn't understand how I was able to say it when he was asleep. It may be because of the fact he wasn't conscious and awake to hear me say it. Whatever was wrong with me, I didn't how to determine it. Maybe because it was my first time saying it to someone?

There was something in my gut that stopped me. It didn't seem like the right time to say it. With all of those things that happened, the logical side of me prevented any possibility of regrets in the future (not a concrete conclusion at all).

To distract him from the silence, I pounced on him like a starving lion. I initiated to have sex by sucking his cock, diverting him from overthinking reasons as to why I hadn't said those words yet.

And he even made me forget the big ass elephant in the room. He got me screaming and moaning as he fucked the life out of me. We would take a quick power nap then we would go at it again.

I lost count after four rounds on the same night. When Christopher got home, announcing himself then descending downstairs to the basement, we fucked quietly. Yet it was the most intense sex we had.

When we both finally tired out, he ran to a 24-hour drugstore to get me a Plan B. It was almost six in the morning before we finally slept. Surprisingly, in the same bed, fully-clothed though.

Sidenote: I really need to go on birth control soon. I cannot be popping Plan Bs like they are multivitamins. Not healthy for me or my uterus.

Ever since then, the vibe around Jaylen and I was weird for the remainder of the trip and up until now. We interacted like there was nothing wrong between us when everything was slowly falling apart.

Maybe it was just me who was feeling that. Maybe the guilt was starting to eat my insides slowly. The look of disappointment on his face when the silence soon spoke for me kept replaying on my mind. Actually, it was seared in every corner of my brain.

Mona noticed right off the bat when she came over the night before to help me pack. She didn't comment on it or opened a conversation about it. Instead, she talked about her relationship with Seth.

Kai and Zane met us at the airport and brought a surprising guest with them, Seth. It was a weird sight to see them have such friendly interaction. I swear, we stood at the arrivals for at least twenty minutes as the guys caught up.

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