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“All hail Nerissa Grindelwald, daughter of Hades, god of the dead, the underworld, and wealth.” All the campers’ eyes were wide with shock and fright, and she hated it. She hated the attention. She hated how fearful they were of her. She wished she was somewhere else, not Camp. The shadows around her granted her request, pulling her into them and expelling her out into the depths of a forest, amidst a troop of girls with silver bows. Then, she promptly passed out.


“I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis, I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt.”

“I accept.”

It was done. A young girl, like many others before her, had spoken the pledge. Another young maiden had become a hunter. She felt stronger, calmer, but most importantly, safer. She didn’t need to run all alone from monsters trying to kill her, police officers trying to drag her back to the wretched orphanage. Even at Camp she didn’t feel safe. There were campers who would like nothing more than see her leave. But now, she had a family. She usually didn’t trust anyone and kept to herself, thinking that everyone would just betray her, and leave her, but she knew these girls who were just like her, were different. The Hunters of Artemis. Each and every one of them had each other’s backs. So she told herself that nothing, nothing would separate them from her, no matter how hard they tried. But how wrong she was. Since young Nerissa Grindelwald’s life had never been simple and wouldn’t be starting to get any easier anytime soon.


“Nerissa, your father has required your presence at the Big House,” Artemis stated.

Nerissa scowled. “Fine,” she replied.

Then, she disappeared into the shadows around her.

“You’ve finally come,” a man said.

“Did I have any choice, father?” Nerissa replied, spitting the last word out.

“You are aware of your magical heritage?” he continued.

“Of course.”

“Then I will be giving you a quest. It has no prophecy, but you are to pose as a student at Hogwarts, as you are eleven so you can protect Harry Potter, and see to it that the pesky Tom Riddle is sent to Punishment.”

“Him. You wouldn’t stop complaining for weeks after he evaded Thanatos. I’ve heard that the numbers of witches and wizards showing up to DOA has doubled due to him and his followers… what were they called again? Oh, wasn’t it ‘death eaters’? How absurd! Yet another insult!”

“By the way, Artemis has already excused you from being at the Hunters’ camp and Hecate has agreed to cast a glamour on you to make you appear to get older.”

“Fine. I see you aren’t to be swayed. However, I have two terms for myself. Firstly, don’t expect me to befriend him. If he’s anything like his father down in Elysium he’ll be insufferable. His mother is more tolerable, though. Secondly, I get to bring all my weapons.”

“I agree to your terms. You should go pack now, as you will be leaving in a few minutes.”


​​​​​​“Grindelwald, Nerissa,” McGonagall said, with a slight tremor to her voice. The chattering going on in the hall ceased immediately. Faces stared with both intrigue and fear (mostly of the latter) at the raven-haired girl strolling calmly towards the Sorting Hat. It was lowered over her mismatched eyes so all the students could only see her smile. But it wasn’t a smile of kindness, nor of warmth. It was one which was cold and was one which told everyone she knew something they did not, something of which could tip the balance of the world as their mortal minds knew of it . It scared them, as they knew she was a Grindelwald, a descendant of one of the darkest wizards of all time, the infamous Gellert Grindelwald, second only to Voldemort. She knew much, much more than most of the students staring terrified at her while she was being sorted, a secret that none of them could have guessed.


A/N So, this is the start of my fan fiction! I'd appreciate feedback and maybe some ideas as well! Thanks! Also, if this chapter wasn't clear enough, each section is kind of like a memory from Nerissa's past.

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