Chapter 1

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"This year, we will be having exchange students from Ilvermony come to our school. Please be polite and courteous. They should be arriving sometime soon." Dumbledore announced.

Right at that moment, the Seven, Nico, Reyna and Calypso stumbled into the Hall, all sopping wet except for Percy. Leo was also soaking but also seemed to have scorch marks on his clothes. I instantly realised what was going on. The rest of the demigods probably aggravated Percy in some way or another, which clearly wasn't a smart move as they were in boats. Boats! In the water! Percy's domain!? I expected more of you, Annabeth! It also seems like Leo tried to dry himself off using fire, got distracted, set his clothes on fire, then jumped into the lake to extinguish the fire.

Everyone in the Great hall turned to face the demigods. Most looked in confusion, some were sniggering and some looking in disgust. Annabeth quickly piped up, saying that the Giant Squid overturned the boats.

Suddenly, Leo looked over to me and announced to the whole hall, "Hey look, it's Nerissa! Hi Nerissa! And D-

Calypso punched him on the arm to interrupt the last bit. When everyone looked at me in confusion, I gave them all death glares and they backed off. Calypso was also glaring at Leo with such ferocity that if looks could kill, Leo would have been sent to DOA a thousand times. He looked terrified, and rightfully so.

I already told them that any sign of them being associated with me will automatically make everyone wary of them at school! Gods, Leo! Pay attention next time I'm telling some facts of importance. Now my quest would be even harder to complete.

"You know that dark witch?" an accusing voice from the crowd shouted.

"What?" Leo responded.

I mentally facepalmed. He really wasn't paying attention.

"Exchange students, please come forward to be sorted," McGonagall pronounced carefully, full well knowing who these new students are, as she was a descendant of Hecate herself.

"Valdez, Leo,"

 Leo practically skipped up to the Sorting Hat.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the Sorting Hat screamed.

"Di Angelo, Nico,"

Nico trudged sullenly towards the Hat, earning a few people whispering about him being a death eater.


That comment combined with his deathly pale complexion only made the students of Hogwarts more suspicious of him, some of them looking at him with fright, as this was the first time the Sorting Hat had ever made a comment separate from the chosen house.

"Grace, Thalia,"

"Thalia. Just Thalia. If I ever catch any of you calling me by my last name, I will snap your necks," Thalia snapped, the last bit directed towards the students staring at her, a bit frightened.


"Grace, Jason,"

Whispers spread through the room. They were siblings? The only thing similar between them was their matching electric blue eyes and the way they both held themselves up as they walked, upright and confident.


"Chase, Annabeth,"

Annabeth stalked up to the Hat, her stormy grey eyes scanning the entire hall, making it seem like she was analysing every single person there.

"Raven-," the Sorting Hat stopped mid announcement.

After another minute, it screamed, "ARGH!!! SO MUCH TERROR!!! SO MUCH MISERY!!! GRYFFINDOR!!! GET ME OFF!!!"

This made all the people in the Great Hall even more suspicious of the new transfer students.

"Ogygia, Calypso,"

Everyone was staring at the former goddess (not that knew that), all waiting to see if her Sorting would be as odd as the others'.


All the people not aware of their godly heritage started muttering to each other, confused to as why all the new students were all in Gryffindor.

A/N I'm sorry! This is really bad...
It's more of a filler then anything

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