Chapter 2

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Calypso POV

"LEO. VALDEZ. YOU. IDIOT!" I fumed at him, punching him on the arm in between words.

"Calm down, sunshine!" Leo replied.

I started ranting at him in rapid Greek. He was so stupid! Nerissa told us back at Camp to make no indication that we knew her or the other demigods at Hogwarts.

"Hey, Calypso, Leo? That "Golden Trio" is staring and muttering about us. I think your outburst just made ours and Nerissa's quest a whole lot harder." Annabeth pointed out.

Hermione POV

I was observing the new transfer students carefully. They seemed... different. They were all put in Gryffindor, though some of them seemed about to be placed in different houses. They also seemed to know Grindelwald, but didn't want us to know that, judging from their reaction when that scrawny Latino boy, Valdez screamed hello to her.

"Ron? Don't you think those transfers seem a bit suspicious?" I stated.

"Suspicious? They're not suspicious, they're downright evil! They know Grindelwald, for goodness sake! And they seem to be friends with her!" Ron shot back.

"Oh, come on, Ron," Harry said, "Just because her grandad is Gellert Grindelwald, it doesn't make her evil!"

"Yes, she is! Remember when we first met her?!" Ron replied.


"Hello. I heard rumours that Harry Potter is here. Are you him?" a tall girl said, peering at a green-eyed boy.

"Well, yes. I'm Harry Potter," he replied.

"You must be a Weasley, judging by your hair," the girl drawled, this time directed at the flaming red-haired boy seated next to him.

"What? Got a problem with that?" the red-haired boy said, accusingly.

"No, not really. Merely stating facts," the girl said.

"If you don't mind me asking, well, who are you?" the seemingly politer green-eyed boy interjected.

"I'm Nerissa. Nerissa Grindelwald," she said, with an air of superiority.

The red head gasped, "You're related to that evil maniac?!"

"What? Got a problem with that?" the girl mocked, mirroring his previous statement.

"Yes! In fact, several! Get out of this carriage, you dark witch!" the boy shouted.

"Oh dear. A bit of a hot temper? I might just need to teach you some manners," the girl said, a malicious glint in her eyes as she waved her hand causing the boy's mouth to be sealed shut. "You will be able to talk again when the train stops at Hogsmeade, or when someone performs a counter-spell beforehand, which I doubt either of you can, unless someone considerably more well versed in magic comes along."

"Hey! That's mean! Release him, he's my friend!" the green-eyed boy said.

"Release him! That sounds like I'm some kind of kidnapper! No, I'm just merely teaching manners. Well, it seems like I've overstayed my welcome here," the girl said, "goodbye."

Then, she promptly disappeared, dark shadows enveloping her, leaving a very shocked expression on both boys' faces.

When a bushy haired muggle-born girl came by along the carriage and released the red head from the spell, he started telling them that it was dark magic, Umbrakinesis that she used, disappearing into the shadows like that.


A/N Sorry I didn't update. I literally have no excuse, except for the fact that I have a new mission to read every single completed Dad For One fic ever written on ao3. Which isn't really an excuse. Oh well. Anyway, here's a slightly darker side of Nerissa!

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