Q&A: Answers!

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Thank you all for asking your questions! I got quite a lot ^.^ Alright, let's just get right into it! :)

What's your favorite thing to draw? By:( HatsuneKiku, RiverIvy, )

-Well, it changes all the time. But at this moment, probably pokémon and realistic objects, like the oranges I drew.

Have you ever tried making an O.C? By: (Shapeshiftergirl)

-I definately have! I made sketches and basic designs for my O.C's in my book 'Ability'! :)

How do you draw anime so well? By: (OceanDude09)

- That's quite hard to answer correctly...Well, I'm still far from perfect at it. But I would have to say I practiced it a lot and didn't stop until I was satisfied with the results. I've been practicing anime for 2 years, I think.

Did you take any art lessons apart from school ones? By: (NatalieROKZ)

-I wouldn't really say that 'lessons' were what I took. At school, to be honest, I didn't learn anything at all. My teacher wasn't really a good one...I did do a little 'course' for a week, I did learn a few things there but not everything I'm able to do now.

What inspired you to start drawing? By: (Leafturtle, Luminescence22, FloralArtistry) Lumi's question was similair, so I'll include it in this one :3

-Well, probably my dad or my grandpa. My grandfather was an artist himself, he painted and drew a lot. My dad got those genes and you know XD I guess I got that little artistic side in me. But I just loved the idea of holding a pencil and being able to create anything I wanted. For beginners I recommend to start simple, once you know the basics and you start to figure out how to draw things that are harder to draw, you won't have to struggle as much.

What program/app do you use for your electronic drawings? By: (TheNightMist)

-I'm horrible at doing electronic art XD But I used GIMP (last version) for trying it out :)

How do you get the proportions right when you shade? By: (Luminescence22 , Orion4) Orion4, you asked for tips on shading, so I included that in here :3

-Well, I sometimes use guidelines for the proportions, you can look up how to work with those in the internet. And for shading, I just kinda know where the shadows go because I practiced so much. But I recommend to look at pictures and see where the shadows fall in that. That way you can learn how the shadows will fall in most cases, but that really depends.

Who's your favorite artist? By: (RiverIvy, Grenineon)

- MarkCrilley, Itsbirdy. Definately. These guys really know how to draw and inspire me everyday to improve my art. On wattpad I love @FloralArtistry 's art :3

When did you start drawing? By: (RiverIvy)

-Ever since I can remember, really. I made my first doodle when I was still a little kid :3

Have you ever taken interest in animation? By: (RiverIvy)

-I have, but I think it's a bit too much work. I prefer to make one drawing than 50 for an animation :) I'm also not a very patient person.

Drawing or painting? By:(RiverIvy)

-Drawing. Painting is too much to clean up after XD *looks at messy room with opened paintbottles everywhere*

Do you ever draw realistic humans? By: (RiverIvy,Grenineon)

- I have tried, but I always mess up. It's just something I suck at I guess..Maybe I'll try in the future and I'll show you the results. I think humans are most difficult to draw out of all things.

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