Art Throwback: Ponyta

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I'm so sorry for not updating a lot lately. School is fluffing up all my time for wattpad. *throws stick at school*

Yes, another Art Throwback, sorry ^_^" I haven't had the time to draw recently, but I do have a drawing done and I'll upload that sooner or later ;) Try guessing what it is. A fluffy pokemon, and there are two of them in the picture I drew :3

Onto the actual drawing. It's a Ponyta! Pretty simple. I drrw this when I was 11 or 12, I don't remember.

As you can see, my shading obsession was blooming in this drawing. I like the dimension in this drawing, a lot.


-Regular colouring pencils I had at school. (Drew this at school XD)

-regular pencil and eraser for the basic sketch.

Alrighty, I hope you like it :) Also a question before I go. Do you guys actually enjoy these Art Throwbacks? They have less views than my other drawing updates. Please let me know, I would appreciate it ;3

I'm going to stop posting these for a while.

See you later~


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