Q&A: Answering your questions!

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Q: When did you start drawing? From: Grenineon.

A: Well, I can't remember exactly when. But I started growing interest for drawing when I was probably 3 years old. I could hold a pencil and would scribble random things on paper XD

Q: Have you ever taken any lessons on drawing or art in general? From: FloralArtistry.

A: Not really. I haven't really taken lessons on how to draw and stuff. I did do a course for a few weeks with friends of mine, but it wasn't really serious. I did learn some things from it, but I thought most of the things I can do now, Myself ;)

Q: Do you feel more comfortable drawing/shading/colouring with colouring pencils or regular pencils? From: FloralArtistry.

A: Well, I think I prefer coloured pencils. For example: I first draw with the base colour (let's take green as an example), and use darker shades of green for shading. But the shading addict I am, that's not enough for me in my drawings. I like to have extra depth in them and use a black pencil for the darkest bits and texture.

Q: Do you prefer doing your works in a quiet environment or when something is playing in the background? From: FloralArtistry.

A: I like this question :3 I absolutely can't work when it's quiet. I'm a person that needs something playing in the background. I listen to music while drawing :) Music affects my artwork as well. I could be listening to a soft and gentle song, and I will draw something sweet or delicate. Or if I'm feeling all cool I will turn on a pop song and draw with faster motions, then more powerful drawings will come to life, most of the time with a meaning behind them :D

Q: How or where do you get your inspiration? From: FloralArtistry.

A: Nowhere specific really :) Ideas just pop into my mind. Though I can tell you when I like to draw and on what kind of moments ideas pop into my mind. While listening to songs and the sound of rain I get inspiration :3 Or when I'm sad or stressed drawing opens a whole new world for me. But I get inspired by other artists as well, if I see them doing something cool, I will try it out for fun, putting my own twist on it.

Q: Do you ever do normal sketches? (Like ones that aren't anime I mean :) ) From: imaansayed.

A: Yes I do actually :) Quite often. I like to draw eyes and dragons a lot. They have become my speciality :3 I don't sketch regular things that often though. But I enjoy drawing realistic things too :)

Q: How do you get the shading in the colors just right? From: ShadowDreamers.

A:  Well, it took me quite a while to get it right. I just kinda know now where the shadows go and what colors to use. It comes naturally. But, usually before I start drawing I get all my coloured pencils out, and pick different shades of colour that fit the drawing. Then in the process of drawing a plant for example, I will try and imagine where the light wouldn't hit the plant, and that's where I place the darker shades. And From there it's putting the darkest colours on spots where the light wouldn't reach at all. That's where I go in with my black pencil :)

Q: How do you make your drawings look so....professional? From: ShadowDreamers.

A: That's flattering really :) I don't really know how to answer that properly. I guess I just use different materials in the drawing, making them look the best I can. Using different materials for different textures and shadows is just another key to making your drawings look as professional as possible. Everyone has their own style of drawing, and I think that makes art so special :)


Those were all the questions. Thanks to everyone who asked a question! :D I had fun answering them. I hope my answers to them will help you out a little :)

Should I do these Q&A's more often? Because I think it's fun to do once in a while. I mean, not all my readers have asked questions, but maybe they have interest in reading the answers to the questions that the people who did ask something asked.

Let me know if you want me to do these more often! :)

Again, I hope I helped.

Byee~ Rainy :)

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