Akiyasu | Touch of Magic

439 21 38

"U-Um... do you want to go to the bakery over there to get something like a cake or muff—"

If possible, the kid's crying gets even louder, drawing unwanted attention onto you and the white-haired male beside you, Akiyasu. Said male flinches, looking at the people frantically before facing you, his green eyes evidently showing concern. "(Y/N)... maybe you aren't the best at this job...?" He attempts to lighten the mood, offering a faltering smile.

By "job", it's clear he means the job of making a kid feel better. You and Akiyasu were taking a peaceful walk around the Capital until a sobbing kid ran up to you two, clutching onto your outfit with urgency. She explained that she lost her parents in the bustling crowd and is too afraid to venture into the sea of people to find them.

Fortunately, Tatsuomi was nearby, and you both asked for his assistance in searching for the parents in the store, as to which he agreed to immediately.

Currently, you're trying your hardest to make the kid feel better but to no avail. Figured, as you're a rather awkward person around children. Her obnoxiously loud crying isn't helping the immense anxiety you're having with this situation either.

"Aki, you're good with kids, right? Please do something, anything, to stop her crying!" you plead desperately, clasping your hands together.

"H-Huh? Oh, I don't know... I don't think I'm good with kids, really..." he trails off, gritting his teeth as the wails increase in volume, "let me think of something, hold on." He steps away to a nearby tree, hand resting under his chin in thought.

Crouching down to her level, you hold her by the shoulders, causing her cries to quiet down, much to your surprise. "Kid, please, I'm begging you. Stop crying; we'll find your parents, okay?" You discern some of the whispers from the crowd, abashed by some of the people mistaking you and Akiyasu as a married couple with a young daughter.

"Hey, hang in there. My daughter throws a tantrum all the time. As parents, it really doesn't get any easier for us," a nearby man says.

You're about to deny his assumptions, but Akiyasu returns at that moment, crouching down beside you. Keeping his hands away from the public's view, he presents a spell paper to the crying kid, which looks like a typical piece of paper to her. With a flick of the wrist, the paper promptly transforms into flowers.

The crying ceases instantly. You breathe a sigh of relief, a hand over your heart, and notice the people around you dispersing gradually. Your friend smiles, holding the flowers closer to her. "You can have these if you promise to not cry anymore, okay?"

"Yes, I won't!" she exclaims quickly, grabbing the flowers and holding them to her chest. "Mommy and Daddy will love these too!"

The nearby man from before laughs out of the blue, catching both yours and Akiyasu's attention. "Ah, forgive me for laughing so suddenly. The big difference between you and your husband is just amusing to me. One moment your daughter was crying, but once your husband came with some flowers, she's as quiet as a rock."

"Husband...?" the white-haired male whispers, glancing at you for confirmation, but you're too busy staring at the man, about to correct him.

"U-Um—" you begin to say, only to get cut off.

"My partner is just very awkward around kids," he explains, "but luckily, I'm here."


He only gives you a closed-eyed smile, turning away shortly after and rising to his feet. "Oh, Tatsuomi's back with your parents. Let's go meet them." He leads the little girl to her sobbing parents.

You're too stunned to move from your crouched position. Why didn't your friend deny that you both are a couple? Why did he play along, acting as if you're his actual lover? All the incoming questions clouding your mind is too much for your embarrassed state and soaring heart.

"Shut up..." you mumble to your heart, clutching the fabric of your outfit unconsciously.


This one is inspired by Aki's romance patrol. I really love everything about the romance patrols; they make me so happy adkdjksls!!

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