Kuro | Serious

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The faint, repetitive sounds of the wooden clock continues ticking as you're staring intensely at the ceiling. For someone as bubbly as Kuro, having a decorative ceiling would make more sense; it would make your staring contest with the ceiling more enjoyable, too. Some hanging stars and moons would add a nice touch to the room.

"Woah! Since when did you get here?" the familiar brown-haired male asks from above you, his smiling face hovering over yours at a respectable distance.

"You're finally back! How'd practice go?" You push yourself upright in a sitting position as he plops down beside you, pouring himself a glass of wine.

"Fun as always! We almost got everything down perfectly. Just need to work on some flips and timing, and we'll be ready for our next performance in no time!" he replies cheerfully, gulping the alcoholic drink in one go. "What about you? What went on in the life of (Y/N) today, huh?"

"I had to meet some of my father's new clients; they were really friendly guys, but talked nonstop about these paintings they were looking for. You have no idea how relieved I was when they had to leave for another meeting."

"Aw... doesn't that mean you get annoyed by me since I can talk a lot sometimes?"

"I never get annoyed by you, Kuro."

"I'm glad..." he murmurs, flickering his eyes to your now sprawled out form. You can be quite an airhead at times, completely clueless to certain cues, particularly his flirtatious remarks and advances. Knowing this, the male is positive you won't understand his upcoming question, but regardless, he's curious about your reaction.

"Hey... who do you like?" Kuro inquires, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. You lift yourself up with an arm and lean against it, facing your friend with equally curious eyes. "Do... do you like me?" he finishes his thoughts.

The random question throws you off guard. Hearing the usually energetic male ask such a serious question is new, and you can't help the chuckle of amusement from escaping your lips. The Ayakashi's seriousness is further evident once he fixates his attention onto you—your bright eyes—and the expression on his face remains as intense as ever.

Suddenly, he places a hand on top of yours gently as a small smile graces his face. "Only you would laugh at a serious question like that," he says softly while tracing circles against your skin.


"Enough with this atmosphere! Let's eat dinner; I'm starving!" the brown-haired male exclaims, pulling numerous containers of food out of a bag. It's as if the serious Kuro from a minute ago was all a dream.

As you listen to him ramble about the variety of food he bought for tonight's dinner, your mind drifts to how different your friend was moments prior. The way he gazed at you with so much intensity, and the way he touched you so gently, made your heart soar.

Needless to say, you wouldn't mind seeing Kuro get serious again.


Whenever Kuro gets serious, I become a flustered puddle of happiness.

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