Aoi | Late Snack

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Your hunger seems to increase with every soft and slow step you take. Luckily for you, it's two in the morning, so no one should be awake at this time, and the steps down to the main entrance of Raccord aren't creaky.

Encountering Aoi and Oji shouldn't be an issue since Aoi has a significant art show to attend to in the morning, so he needs all the rest he can get. Oji, on the other hand, is Oji; he's a deep sleeper.

You peer your head into the kitchen slightly, eyes sweeping the place to make sure no familiar heads are in sight. Once you've confirmed the kitchen is empty, you rush to the cabinet and retrieve a pack of ramen.

"And what do you think you are doing at two in the morning?"

You chuck the packet at the figure behind you, as to which he catches with ease. Aoi sighs wearily, and with a shake of his head, he crosses his arms.

"You're seriously eating food at this time?"

"Yeah, I got hungry and couldn't sleep," you admit with a pout and point at the ramen pack in his hand. "May I have that back?"

"Geez... at least eat something non-processed," the purple-haired male mutters, tossing the ramen back into the darkness of the cabinet. He flicks on the light and begins cracking two eggs into a bowl promptly, not bothering to look nor speak to you.

Soon enough, an aroma of eggs, herbs, and butter mingle throughout the kitchen. A large portion of scrambled eggs are set on a plate, along with two pieces of buttered toast and an empty glass cup.

"You can get whatever drink you want from the fridge," he says simply before moving to the counters.

Throughout the whole cooking process, the Ayakashi remained silent; the sole sounds filling the room were from the cooking—from sizzling to chopping noises, it was like you were watching a cooking documentary. Despite the lack of conversation, you didn't find it to be uncomfortable at all. If anything, it was mesmerizing to watch the male cook a simple meal for you.

You stare at his back, a small smile present on his face. It's evident he cares immensely about you based on the way he didn't hesitate to stay up for a while longer to cook you a meal. His words surely don't show his feelings, but his actions do.

"Thank you, Aoi." You hug him from behind, nuzzling your smiling face against his back.

Instantly, he stops wiping the counters as the rag from his hand plops onto the ground.

"H-Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Stop doing weird things, a-and just go eat already!"


I can go for some buttered toast at 2 in the morning right now.

Ayakashi: Romance Reborn One-ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя