Aoi | The Flustered Artist

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Aoi's paintings, his art skills in general, have always impressed you. Not just you, but all of your Ayakashi friends have the same thought as well.

His recent art project calls for him to paint a person, and much to your surprise, he wants you to be the subject of interest. While you can draw to some extent, your skills can't compare to the Satori Seer at all, so it's an honor to get drawn by him.

"Um... I'm new to this thing, so... is this, uh, okay?" you ask, shifting in the seat a little. You were told to "do whatever pose you want" and settled with something simple and not embarrassing: sitting with your hands in your lap and a small smile gracing your face.

"That'll work. I just need you to stay in that pose for a few minutes; it shouldn't take too long since it'll be a sketch," your artistic friend says, the pencil in his hand hovering above the piece of cream-colored paper as he peers over the side of the easel to observe you.

Forget about the immense worries of deciding on a pose—having someone look at you so intently is embarrassing in itself!

I must hold on for Aoi to finish his project, come on, (Y/N)! is what you want to keep on thinking, but his focused gaze is nerve-wracking. The short moment of break where he flickers his green eyes back to the paper gives you so much relief.

The sounds of the pencil dancing across the paper rapidly, mixed with the rustling of the trees are so serene and pleasant that you (almost) want to take a nap right where you're at. The good thing about assisting him is being able to stare at the artist himself for—seemingly—an interminable time without coming off as a creep.

His braided, purple hair that's placed loosely over his shoulder moves slightly with every movement he makes. Green eyes travel back and forth from paper to you every minute or so, completely immersed in the process and unbothered by your stare.

Aoi tilts his head at the sketch, and with a nod, he turns to you and shares his thoughts. "I just need your face, so your eyes, nose, lips..." he trails off, eyes widened.

Muddled, you're about to step off the stool to check on him, but his frantic sputters halts you in place.

"N-Nothing, nothing's wrong! Stay there, don't move, a-and don't worry about me!" His pencil moves again at a much more rapid pace this time, and he doesn't bother to look at you again for some odd reason unknown to you.

"Did I really get embarrassed at the mention of their lips...? How embarrassing...!" he whispers to himself, the grip on his pencil tightening. "Ahhh... I'm really going crazy..."

Finished with the sketch, he puts away his sketchbook and art materials into a bag, rising to his feet. "Thank you again for helping me. I'm going to head back to Raccord now to see how the old geezer's holding the place up. Will you be fine walking home on your own?" he asks, his head turned away the entire time.

"I'll be fine, thanks..."

Aoi turns his head slightly, allowing you to see his red face. He gives a small nod and a quiet "be safe" before rushing to the quaint restaurant.

Laughing softly, you sling your backpack over your shoulder and head home as well. It isn't unnatural for the male to blush over the simplest things, but you can't put a finger on what made him get so flustered this time around.

After all, it was just a simple sketch of you, right?


If you lovelies like Aoi and have any extra romance sonnet keys, then I 100% recommend unlocking his romance sonnet stories. They're both super cute and wholesome! I especially like the Our New Beginning one (already read it like 10,000 times).

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