Tatsuomi | Pleasant Blues

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The usual pop music is playing throughout the store as you're browsing through a variety of clothes. A striped dress shirt paired with matching black dress pants catches your attention. The colors aren't overbearing compared to some of the other shirts you've encountered; instead, this shirt consists of alternating shades of blues.

You turn to Tatsuomi, frowning at the atrocious piece of shirt in his hand. Of course he's showing interest in a very colorful shirt with some odd designs on it. He turns to you with a smile and puts the shirt against his chest.

"How about this one? Perhaps there are too many colors, though..." He stares down at the shirt, his brows furrowed.

"How about you give this to me," you say gently as you take the shirt from him, "and I'll give you this."

He tilts his head at the striped dress shirt, and placing it against his chest, he shakes his head. "I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't think this will suit me."

"I know you don't really wear stuff like this, but give it a try. I personally think you'll look great in it." You nudge him to the changing room area and offer an encouraging pat on the back. "Get in there!"

After watching him head inside, you sit at the nearby couches. You can't help the broad smile spreading across your face. Tatsuomi hardly ever wears (what he calls) "fancy clothing," so to say you're excited to see him in something so different is an understatement. The only parties he ever attends are the ones related to his work, so he's always wearing his soldier uniform. A fancy Tatsuomi will be quite a sight.

"Tatsuu...! It's been ten million years! Who takes this long changing?!" you complain, knocking on the changing room stall.

The door makes a click sound as he barely opens the door—only allowing you to see a sliver. You peer through to see his brown eye staring back at you. "You okay in there? Need me to help with something?" you ask, curious with his odd position. It's obvious he's purposely turning his body so that the door can cover his body.

"Something looks off..." he mumbles, averting his gaze down his attire. He shakes his head. "No, something is off. I don't suit this outfit."

"It's only natural you think that way since you don't wear fancy clothes. Come on out here! Let me take a look."

He sighs and closes the door for a moment before opening it again, stiffly walking out to stand in front of you. "Looks quite odd, doesn't it?" He rubs the back of his head awkwardly, a sheepish smile gracing his face.

"Tatsu! What on earth are you talking about?! You look handsome!" you exclaim, suddenly turning him around to admire the attire. The cool shades of blues of the shirt are gentle on the eyes and offers a nice balance to his neutral, brown hair and eyes. The black dress pants brings everything together.

Needless to say, your friend looks very attractive and suits the look perfectly.

"R-Really?" The brown-haired male examines himself in the mirror that's placed outside the changing stalls. "Hmm... perhaps you're being too kind as always, (Y/N)."

"You're just not seeing what I'm seeing. Trust me when I tell you that you look good in this," you reassure him with a warm smile. "Here, let me fix the collar of the shirt."

Tatsuomi feels his heart soaring and his face flushing from your fingers brushing against his exposed neck. He clears his throat to calm himself down and mentally prays you aren't noticing his flustered state. Why is he getting so nervous all of a sudden? He has never felt this immensely nervous before whenever you hug him (and you've hugged him many times already).

Surely he hasn't fallen for you... has he...?

"All done."

Your voice interrupts his congested thoughts. He blinks a few times and realizes he's in front of the same mirror. For some reason, he now finds the outfit to look rather pleasant on him.

And his new found thoughts are likely because of you.


Okay, I know some people are skeptical when it comes to Tatsuoumi's fashion sense in regard to his casual attire, but I love his outfit! The pink and blue colors and the little "T" enamel pin looks nice together. I guess plaid on plaid is a fashion disaster for some?

I haven't read his route yet, but for those of you who have, I would love to hear your thoughts on it if you want to share. No spoilers!

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