Chapter 52: Trojan Horse

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“So the Greeks built this giant wooden horse, left it in full view in front of the city of Troy, then sailed away.”

Amisha, now back on the ship with Cymon, was explaining the story of the Trojan Horse to the aliens.

“And?” said Irvn.

“And the Trojans, believing the Greeks were gone for good, took the wooden horse as a trophy and dragged it inside the city.”

“I don’t understand how this relates to rescuing Matias and Kate,” said Teo.

“But what the Trojans didn’t know,” continued Amisha, “was that the horse was hollow - and hidden inside were Greek warriors.”

“Ah,” said Cymon, “I think I begin to understand.”

“When night came, the warriors let themselves out, killed the guards on the city’s main gates and let the rest of the Greek army in, since they had sailed back to Troy under cover of night.

“My idea is similar,” said Amisha, “I propose that one of you takes the shuttle and offers to surrender to the other ship. Say you disagree with what the rest have done and you want to give yourself up. They’re bound to let you dock. What they won’t know is that there are others hidden on board.”

“To do what?” asked Irvn sceptically.

“To come out when the coast is clear, find Matias and Kate and rescue them.”

“And what about whoever pilots the shuttle.”

“They’ll have to rescue him as well,” said Amisha.

There was a moment’s silence.

“Your plan has so many flaws it’s bound to fail,” said Irvn finally.

“It’s certainly very risky,” said Cymon, “but it could work.”

“Risky?” said Irvn, “it’s suicidal. There are just too many ifs. If they accept the story. If they let you dock. If the hidden passengers aren’t discovered. If they can find Matias and Kate.”

“It does seem risky, Misha,” said Laura. “It could play right into their hands and allow them to capture more of us.”

“Don’t think I don’t realise that,” said Amisha, “But what’s the alternative? Just abandon Kate and Matias to their fate? I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t live with myself if I hadn’t made at least some attempt to rescue them.”

“Even if your plan had any chance of success,” said Irvn, “there is nowhere to hide on the shuttle.”

Cymon looked thoughtful. “I believe there is,” he said.

“Where?” said Teo.

“In the overhead lockers and storage bins. If we remove the compartment dividers, then two people could lie hidden inside, one on each side of the shuttle. It would be uncomfortable, but it wouldn’t be for long.”

“And what if someone opens the lockers?” asked Teo.

“Then we’d be discovered,” said Cymon simply.

“I notice you said ‘we’” said Amisha.

“Yes,” said Cymon. “I am willing to pilot the shuttle.”

“It’s madness,” said Irvn, “I forbid it.”

“Irvn,” said Gemma quietly, turning and looking directly into his eyes, “It’s not for you to forbid. You guys got us into this and - like it or not - we’re now all in it together. We cannot just abandon Kate and Matias without making some attempt to rescue them.”

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