IX. Names Have Power

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"Chiron!" Nico called out.

Chiron looked up from his game of solitaire to see the trio climbing up the porch steps. Chiron's gaze lingered a half-second longer on the girl with peppered hair and soft green eyes, but he couldn't place where the feeling of recognition was coming from.

"We got the new demigod, Claire Johnson, and her clear sighted mortal friend. They've been briefed about the gods and everything, but I didn't have time to go into detail. Should I take them to see the orientation film? I'd like to discuss something with you."

Chiron could tell that whatever Nico wanted to discuss was serious, but he didn't think the orientation film would suffice.

"Why don't you take them to see Hunter in the Athena-"

Just then, a glowing owl spun above Claire's head, cutting off whatever Chiron was going to say.

"Hail, Claire Johnson, daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom," Chiron said while he inclined his head.

"So my mothers... a goddess?!"

"Yes, child. Hunter can explain and introduce you to camp now. Nico, if you please."

Nico guided both of them away and came back shortly after.

"Did you let her in?"

"No," Nico replied.

"Then how?"

"A voice spoke. It sounded like Terminus, but he's a Roman god. There's no Greek counterpart as far as I know. Maybe Charon but he's stuck with my father."

"What did it say?"

"It asked her to enter her drachma. Not a drachma. It asked for her drachma. And she had one too. Said her brother left it for her. I think her brother didn't make it. After she threw it at the border, she was able to walk right through."

"Strange indeed."

"But that's not all," Nico added.


"A Mormolyce—two actually—attacked us. They said some odd things, Chiron. That the half-blood, presumably Claire, was protected by the sister. And that their sisters, the empousai, were brave enough to attack the lover."

"Did they give names?"

Nico shook his head, "No."

Chiron stroked his beard in contemplation. "What was her name again?"

"Oh... I don't know... I forgot to ask," Nico confessed sheepishly. "Probably should've asked that, huh?"

Chiron laughed. Nico was usually very precise and he'd done so many missions like this one that it was hard to imagine him forgetting to ask for something as simple as a name. Thinking this through made Chiron wonder if something larger was at play. If something or someone was preventing Nico from asking her name or preventing Claire from saying her name in front of Nico. But for what? To protect the girl? A grand reveal? Or was it just a fluke? After all, it's not like someone set up these events to engage readers. That'd be a ridiculous notion.

Chiron pushed these thoughts aside. "We'll find out later. Can you go check on how they're doing?"

"Sure thing, Chiron."

Nico strode out of the house towards the dining pavilion. An intense card game of ERS was held there earlier, but now, everyone was standing up in a wide circle.

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