Chapter 38 | Sleeping Beauty awakens

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Third Person POV
"Like he said, ladies, Happy New Year" Nightmare said smugly, bowing before everyone.
"Woooooah, therez two ob them!" Jane exclaimed, still clearly drunk as she took another swig from her wine glass.
"Haha, horny" the clowns giggled, looking at Nightmare's horns.
"He'z got blu hayr! Woooooah!" Jackie drunkenly chimed in.
"Dat shi looks fresh outta a vidja game!" Benny added in drunken astonishment, second beer finished and third beer in hand.
"Not that watching you drunkards isn't fun, but we're gonna need to go now" Nightmare said, holding his hand out towards the 'screen'. "Ta-ta for now" he said, clenching his hand into a fist and shutting off the 'broadcast'.

He watched as the last of these smoke trails were absorbed into your body before speaking up, to no one in particular. "That was seven colossi souls, and the last one was king sized to boot..." he said in astonishment and pride. "I think that should sort out your appetite for a while" he joked to your unconscious body as the arena and corpses began to fade and everything returned to the original black mindscape. "Looks like I finally found a good host..." he muttered. "Can't wait to see what you've got in store... (Y/N)" he said with a smile before beginning a ritual based around your body.

(Time skip, fuck you it's for plot)

Back to the real world, and (Y/N)'s POV
"Urgh... that was intense" I groaned, opening my eyes to see the ceiling of my room. I sat myself up slowly, on account of every part of my body aching, and I looked around to see I was definitely in my room. I looked down to see I was tucked into bed, and my clothes were changed to some comfy pyjamas. "Well I definitely didn't kick a bunch of ass in these" I mumbled, looking down to see myself in a (F/C) tank top and my bottom half covered by my bedsheets. I reached for my covers as I looked away from my new clothes, but as I gripped it I immediately let go as I recoiled in pain. "Ah! Fuck... I guess magic overuse is no joke, huh?" I asked, but getting no response. "Nightmare? You there?" I asked, to no response once again. 'Odd... I guess he just needs some alone time or something' I thought, using my other hand to pull the cover off. I swung my legs over the side of the bed but before I stood up, I interlocked my fingers and stretched my arms out.

Or at least I was going to.

As my dominant arm came into view, I saw that it looked as if it had been mauled and shredded. From my hand to my elbow, I saw it had all been torn up. Diamond shaped wounds lined my arm to reveal injured muscle along with some tendons and ligaments, leaving only scarred skin free on my arm. 'Did I... do that to myself?' I thought, keeping my arm out as I stared in fearful astonishment. 'Looks like I'm not beating off for a while' I remarked with a light chuckle. Letting the injured arm down slowly, I raised my other to smell my armpit... and I recoiled at the stench. "Gross!" I exclaimed, thinking about all of the blood, dirt and sweat I was covered in. "Shower it is..." I mumbled, standing up slowly on account of how stiff my joints were. "Or maybe a bath..." I mumbled, rubbing my sore lower-back as I opened my bathroom door and flipped the light switch. "Yeah, I'll go with a bath" I thought aloud as I went to the faucet. After I started running the bath, I turned back to shut and lock the door. But as I reached for the door, I saw Jess carrying in a bowl and a rag. She stood in my doorway with her mouth agape, shocked at the sight of me.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Jess asked, dropping her bowl in shock and spilling water everywhere.
"Awh, man, the carpet!" I exclaimed, using an open hand to point to the growing wet patch at my doorway.
"You're okay?" Jess asked, taking a step towards me as her look of shock changed into one of joyful awe.
"Why wouldn't I be? I just passed out after the big fight" I responded with a shrug. "Hey, can you shut my door please? I was gonna take a bath" I added.
"I-I don't believe it..." Jess said, tears of joy falling down her cheeks as she reached out to me. "I didn't know if you were gonna wake up" she said, holding my cheeks in her hands before pulling me into a hug.
"Was I really out that long?" I asked, returning the hug and stroking Jess' hair as she wept into my shoulder.
"Yes!" She yelled, squeezing me tighter.

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