Chapter 1 | The New Girl, and a new start

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(A/N): A fair warning, the start is quite edgy. It gets better though, trust me.

(Y/N)'s POV
As a light breeze blew through my open window, I felt a rush of cold air enter the room. The combination of the temperature drop and noise of my curtains fluttering pulled me out of my light slumber. I felt myself stir awake, but I didn't open my eyes. I had stayed up a bit too late the night before, despite knowing it was a school night, but I was awake before my alarm so I wasn't particularly worried.

Or at least that's what I thought.

"*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP*" My alarm clock screamed.
"Shut uuuuuup..." I groaned, grabbing the pillow from under my head and hurling it straight at my alarm. Loud, obnoxious beeps continuously rang out through my room as I fully awoke, only for this morning to worsen once I was hit with a large wave of hunger and the sound of my stomach growling like a tiger. I let out a loud sigh, rolling over and throwing a smaller pillow at the still blaring alarm and luckily nailing the 'off' button on the top. It was a Monday and that meant I had to get up and ready for the cause of most of my problems: school.

'At least it'll be harder to make fun of what I wear if I keep it plain' I thought, rolling out of bed and sifting through my pile of clothes I had yet to put away. I quickly settled for black jeans, some black and white sneakers and a light gray t-shirt, and then I slid on a baggy, unzipped white hoodie. After I was dressed, I then made my way out of my room and went downstairs. But not before glancing at the other rooms and mumbling a quick "G'morning". After I got downstairs I whipped up some breakfast, brushed my teeth, 'fixed' my hair and grabbed my bag and then I made my way to school.

As I arrived in front of the huge building, I took a deep breath to brace myself before entering. This hell-hole was full of surprises and, unsurprisingly, few of them were pleasant. I walked in and constantly looked over my shoulder, worried about whoever and whatever this place would throw at me. To call it paranoia wouldn't be inaccurate, but I had a handful of reasons to keep my wits about me. I eventually made it to class, and thankfully I got there without any inconveniences. 'Flying start...' I thought to myself, stifling a yawn as I sat down at my desk.

As I took my seat near the back of the room, the teacher walked in soon after with someone trailing not too far behind her. Every guy in the room's jaw immediately dropped as soon as the new girl entered the door. She had long, light brown hair, emerald green eyes and fair skin. She wore a dark pink hoodie, white ripped jeans and some white sneakers. "Alright class, we have a new student joining us today" the teacher said, motioning for for the new girl to say something.
"Hi, everyone!" she said happily. "My name is Sally Williams, and I look forward to working with you all" she finished by flashing an innocent smile.
"Well that's nice. Please go take a seat at the back next to... (Y/N)" the teacher decided, pointing towards the empty seat next to me. I felt every guy in the room glare at me so I just lowered my head into my book and covered my face with my hands, hoping Sally wouldn't talk to me. As things turned out, I was wrong.

Not too long after she sat down and the teacher began to talk about the lesson topic, Sally attempted to start a conversation. "Hey, so your name's (Y/N) right?" she asked, to which I simply nodded. "That's a nice name" she said, in a friendly tone, one that I found very unfamiliar at the time. To say that it wasn't a nice change of pace however, well that would be a pretty big lie. "Well my name's Sally, it's a pleasure to meet you" she said, still trying her best to be kind.
"You said your name when you were up front" I said flatly, taking down some notes amongst the teacher's rambling.
"O-oh yeah" she said, slightly embarrassed.
"But... it's nice to meet you too" I said, feeling bad for my rudeness. She simply giggled and began to take down notes of her own.

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