Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Well then, can't keep the bad guys waiting!" I exclaimed valiantly, slamming my right fist into my left palm as I stood tall on my roof.
"To be fair, I don't think they'll be sittin' around for ya. Technically speaking, super-you doesn't exist yet" Nightmare commented as I began my journey along the rooftops.
'Even better, the element of surprise means I can stop people without them getting all jumpy' I responded, using a few lampposts to swing and jump across a street.
"And they would be jumpy because...?" Nightmare asked, clearly not following.
'Well if you know what you're doing is going to be suddenly and violently interrupted, wouldn't you be a bit on edge?' I countered, instinctively raising an eyebrow as I landed on a new roof.
"And you're saying normal criminals aren't already like that with cops?" He questioned, a flash from someone's phone diverting my attention to the street.
'Well cops have a very loud siren, we have very surprising flamey-punches and several variations of stabbings' I answered, giving a two fingered salute to the person who I realised was taking a picture of me. 'I hope she got my good side' I thought.
"She ain't get a solid picture. I saw when the camera lens do its taking-picture-thing, I cloaked you in a full body shadow so the picture wouldn't register you" Nightmare explained smugly. "We can't let your debut get spoiled just yet, can we?" He added as I arrived at an apartment complex.
'Huh, well thanks I guess' I responded as I looked the building up and down.'Good times' I reminisced, looking to the right and seeing the fire escape down. 'Well then, couldn't hurt to get the scouting out of the way' I thought before lowering myself towards a nearby alleyway. I dug my feet into the wall before diving to the opposite wall and grabbing onto a pipe that went down the building. After I got a good hold on it, I quickly slid down with the intent of walking around to the fire escape for a safer way up. However, as I touched down onto the hard concrete ground, the sound of footsteps got closer and in a panic I dove into the nearest, deepest and darkest shadow. It was next to a pretty awful smelling dumpster, but the smell was hardly noticeable in comparison to the worry I felt deep within my body. The footsteps were heavy, and unfortunately for me, they were undoubtedly getting closer. For some unknown reason, and not unlike with Lazari, several of my instincts kicked me straight into fight or flight mode. I wasn't sure what to do, but all I could think of was to stay hidden and stay on guard - so that's what I did. I stayed crouched low, but kept my arms up in the best defensive stance I could hold from my position. The footsteps stopped on the other side of the dumpster, and that meant whoever it was had come into earshot.
I could hear laboured breathing pretty clearly, but it didn't sound entirely human - which was most likely what was the cause of my current surge of emotions. The breath sounded somewhat animalistic, it was similar to a wolf in the fact that it was a low-rumbling noise and it sounded like the person was also faintly growling at the same time. As if to keep the comparison going, they started sniffing the air like something trying follow a scent. As it got closer and closer, the stench of fresh blood filled the air around me. As if to put me more on edge, I heard something being roughly dragged along the ground towards me. I watched a shoddily-bandaged hand slam down and grip onto the front corner of the dumpster as a tall and burly man sniffed the air and slowly shuffled towards me. "What's that smell...?" He asked down the alley, his voice was incredibly deep with a moderate Irish accent.
After he spoke, I cursed silently as a sudden surge of pain rocketed through the back of my legs and I dropped from crouching down into my knees. I clutched my calves in pain, but as I looked up this man was stood in full view and looking at the wall above me. From below I could see he had bandages over his eyes as well as a silver pendant around his neck, the color complementing his unkempt, dark gray hair. With him stood before me, I saw that he was wearing clothes that seemed rather odd. He wore a long dark brown coat that went all the way down to his ankles, accompanied with a thick leather shoulder cape which was coated in splatters of blood. He also wore formal trousers and shoes, as well as a light black formal shirt. As if to style-up his look, he wore a bizarrely patterned cowl as well as a wide brimmed fedora to hold down his ear-length head hair. "The sweet blood... oh it sings to me..." he mumbled lowly, seemingly enticed by the smell as I felt the bandages around my Rake-wounds soak in what I could only assume to be what he smelt.
"Looks like we found something interesting..." Nightmare commented as this man huffed desperately, his breaths visible to me in the winter weather. "If this gets ugly, I'll focus on healing and you can focus on the not dying" he added as I watched a pool of blood grow from the dumpster's blindside.
"It sings to me..." this man repeated, most likely in reference to my blood he was smelling. "It's enough to make a man sick..." he added, a toothy grin creeping its way onto his face and exposing his large canine teeth. Before I had realised it, he had brought his fist up and it was less than a foot away from me when I zoned back in.

The Killers' Nightmare (A Female Creepypastas X Male Reader story)
FanfictionThis tale follows (Y/N) (L/N), an 18 year old high schooler. To call his life up until now 'subpar' would be an understatement to say the least. In his earlier years, his younger sister was kidnapped and murdered, his mother died from exhaustion and...