Chapter 41 | A deal made and a promise kept (Lemon)

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Do we have a deal?" Nightmare asked, his flaming hand unmoving.
"Tell me, real quick, what's the catch?" I asked, feeling incredibly sceptical.
"The catch is that I'm not the main bad guy anymore and I want a role of importance" he sighed. "I can tell you now that the chances of this lasting forever are slim but, at the same time, the gravity of the current situation calls for a team-up whether it be temporary or not" he explained. "Plus, I really hate my ex" he added.
"Well, if that's how you really feel..." I began raising my hand a little. "You've got a deal" I finally answered, but only after spitting a fat loogie in my hand to shake his.
"Thanks, kiddo" he said, taking his hand back and wiping it on my face once it was no longer alight. "Now, you might wanna wake up" he added, taking a step back.
"Oh god, is something happening to my body?" I asked, mostly unfazed at this point.
"Well, remember what you promised the boss lady in the other timeline?" He asked.
"Yeah, what about it?" I responded, raising an eyebrow.
"Well I think this one's about to make good on it herself..." Nightmare explained, stifling a laugh before raising his hand. "I'll let you decide whether to ride the bone train or not" he added, drawing a circle with his pointer finger. "Wakey wakeyyy~" he said creepily before I began to fall down into what seemed to be a never ending void.
"Shi-IIIIIIIIIT!" I yelled out as a fell for only a few seconds, my back eventually colliding with a buoyant surface.

I opened my eyes and immediately jolted up, or at least I would've if there wasn't a certain mass pressing down on my entire body from the upper chest down. I looked down to see a clear an outline of someone underneath the covers. I went to move my good arm, but that didn't turn out well because as soon as I tried I felt that it was locked in place by something. I realised that my bad arm was still by my side however, and it was on the outside of the covers. Bracing for the pain, I gripped the edge of the sheet and began to raise it over myself. But the longer I held it, the more it hurt. So I had to find a middle ground for this one. As I pulled the sheet closer, I leaned towards it as best as I could and bit the corner so I could hold it with my teeth. I got a 'grip' on about an inch of the sheet and with that, I slowly let my arm back down to rest. 'Phew...' I thought as the pain slowly began to subside. With that, I leaned down to one side before throwing the entire weight of my head to the other and throwing the entire blanket over myself and whoever was with me.

It was Slenda... and she was fully nude... aaaaaand so was I.

I felt all of the blood rush to my face and my mouth was left agape as I could do nothing but stare at her beauty. "Holy shit..." I muttered, feeling blood beginning to rush somewhere else. 'No! No! Down, boy!' I mentally yelled, trying to fight my own biology. But alas, my 'reasoning' couldn't control my 'boy'. Considering the difference between mine and Slenda's height, and the fact that her head was on my chest, there wasn't a way I could even attempt to hide it. Instead, as it grew and grew, it was just there almost attempting to lift Slenda off of me. I did my best to distract myself, but that got harder and harder-

Nightmare: "Pun very much intended"
Author: "Hey! No interrupting the horni!"

-and harder as I felt it rubbing against Slenda's incredibly soft skin, making any method of distraction feel impossible. In a panic, I tried to wriggle myself out but as I made my attempt Slenda began to stir awake. "(Y-Y/N)?" She asked groggily, looking up at me as she rubbed her right eye. "Good morning~" she said sweetly.
"H-hey..." I said nervously, hoping that Slenda couldn't feel my 'appendage' poking her stomach.
"Did you sleep well?" She asked warmly.
"I-I... uh... I think so?" I responded, incredibly distracted by the two soft melons pressing against my skin.
"You seem uneasy" Slenda commented. "Are you sick?" She asked worriedly.
"N-no! I'm okay! Really!" I said in a panic as I watched Slenda prop herself up and scoot closer towards me, then putting one hand on the back of my head as she held her forehead against mine.
"You're burning up..." she said worriedly, pulling away. "Oh wow, and you're bright red too" she added, now holding the back of her hand on my cheek.
"I-I'm not sick! Honest!" I replied, getting more and more flustered as I saw more and more of Slenda's body.
"Then why are you burning up? And all red?" Slenda asked sweetly.
"W-well... have you noticed the... situation we're in?" I asked, giving a nod towards our very naked bodies in very close proximity.
"Oh, this?" She asked. "I just thought it'd be nice to get a little closer, you know, if I'm going to be one of your girlfriends from now on" she added, wrapping her arms around my lower back and cuddling into me.
"You did? W-well that's a nice way of thinking..." I said, trying to use the wholesome conversation to kill my boner.
"Isn't it?" She responded, nuzzling into my chest. "But, there is another way we could get much closer to one another~" she added, her tone swapping from sweet to seductive.
"O-oh really? And how's that?" I asked, my heart (and something else) jumping at her tone shift.

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