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                                                      Dream's Pov:

            "Did he just leave?" Sapnap asked in a concerned tone as his avatar froze in front of me.

            "Uh, yeah," I rubbed the back of my neck. "I should go check on him. See you all later, bye." I said as I left the call and closed my computer. 

    The apartment was completely silent besides the rapid thumping in my chest. I braced myself as I slowly opened the door to my room and moved down the small hallway to George's. How could a white door be so daunting. He probably already heard me coming, just knock on the door. After a few failed attempts I gave the door a few light taps.

           "Come in," George said in a faint voice. I knew he didn't like confrontation.

           "Hey..." I said as I awkwardly posed myself on the door frame. God, I looked like a middle aged father. "So, you left sort of suddenly."

           "Yep," he said, still with his eyes glued to his knees. He was perched on the edge of his bed.

           "I- So as you've noticed, I'm really bad at this."

      He let out a slight chuckle in agreement.

           "Well," I continued, "should I ask why?"

      The small smile faded as he seemed to remember the situation. His hands curled over each other anxiously in his lap.

         "It was probably going to happen eventually," he began as tears started to form in the corners of his eyes, "and I'm really sorry for putting you in this situation."

         "Hey, it's totally fine. I just want to know what's going on."

    He caught a tear at his cheek and swiped it away.

        "Okay so, I think that maybe I've had feelings for you- for a while," he said with a little snicker as he still avoided eye contact, "and I think with you here it just sort of-" He stopped for a lack of words.

    Infinite thoughts sprung up in my head. This was the weirdest confession I had ever experienced, but also the one I knew I reciprocated the fastest. My shocked expression twisted into a wide grin and I let out a few giggles- not because this was funny but because it just had felt so impossible for the longest time. 

   In my dreams it probably didn't happen in his bedroom with tears in his eyes or me trying to figure out what to do with my arms to look as unthreatening as possible, but it was here.

       "What?" He said, looking up at me with pain in his eyes, "You're laughing?"

       "No, no, no-" I said, still smiling. I didn't know a quicker way to clarify what I meant.

    Without thinking I stepped forward, propping my right knee in between his legs, grabbing the sides of his face and pushing my lips into his.

   George pulled away. "Ouch." He said in a sarcastic, monotone voice.

       "Oh shit," I said as I stood back a bit, I had accidentally pushed his head back into the wall, "sorry."

    He smirked at me and instead pulled me back into him, reciprocating the kiss. Right as he began to run his fingers along my thighs we were startled by a familiar ding and robotic voice.

                             | squirtleinnit donated 75 dollars

                   is that actually dream? pog. i knew you weren't st8

    We locked frantic eyes before both springing up. I hysterically slapped the keyboard until the screen turned back on, revealing that George was still streaming.

      "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD," he shouted as he dropped to the floor and cradled his head.

      "YOU TURNED IT OFF BUT YOU DIDN'T TURN IT OFF IT'S NOT OFF," I screeched at George in broken English as I stared at the chat. It was going a mile a minute. They seemed undecided if it was an elaborate prank or not.

    I looked back at my panicked expression in the facecam as the donations continued to roll in.

                           | h3lplessnessbloos donated 90 dollars

             this is a really good actor. I'm taking the psat tomorrow, will you wish me good luck !! :)

   I clicked to actually end the stream and turned back to the floor where George was now laying. There wasn't much to do now besides curl up next to him. I put my head on his pounding chest until it eventually returned to a normal pace.

    "We could always go like- off the grid or something." He eventually muttered.

  I smiled a little and gave his hand a tight squeeze before letting myself finally succumb to sleep. 

authors note: 

idk what that was either but cough cough probably 1 or 2 more parts o stay tuned <3 

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