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155 10 6

                             1 Week past the events of Chapter 10

                                                George's Pov:

      I pushed myself farther back into the sofa cushions watching as Clay attempted to best formulate a less than ideal face reveal.

           "Do you have another book we can put under it?" Clay asked as he adjusted his laptop on a pile of my old school books.

      I opened the closet door and ran my hand along the top shelf, picking up mostly dust before colliding with something. Taking it from the shelf I patted the cover, revealing an old copy of Wuthering Heights.

           "Yeah, one second."

       Rushing back to Clay's leaning tower of Pisa I lifted up the computer and placed the old book under it, making a few final adjustments before turning back to him. He had always said he wanted to do a face reveal in person, but now that it had been spoiled a stream felt the most appropriate. 

       I hovered my finger above the touchpad, looking back at Clay for a final confirmation he was ready. He forced a smile and gave a slight nod. I pressed down, starting the stream and then rushing back over to the couch to take a seat. Clay clutched my hand tightly under the camera's line of view. I covered it with my other hand and put it on my lap. A small formation of sweat had started on his temples which he instinctively wiped off with his available hand. After a moment of waiting for people to roll in he cleared his throat. I could see him reaching for words as he attempted to look up from the floor.

              "Well," he began, "I think the quickest way to do this is by telling you all that the accidental footage from last week is real. Hopefully you're putting some of that together right now by just hearing my voice," he quickly looked back at me for validation.

        I moved my hand onto his back and tried to ease the tension. "Yeah, I think we're just trying to make this a confirmation as we sort of try and see how these uh- unforeseen situations are going to change our content in the future. Obviously you all deserve an explanation."

         Clay's eyes were still mostly scanning between the quick moving chat and the floor. He was even less prepared for this than I was.

                "We are in fact, uh- romantically involved," I awkwardly spat out, causing him to chuckle and me to crack a weak smile, "Which I will admit as much as I live to spite you all."

                 "So," Clay said, finally lifting his head back up, "I guess that's sort of it for now. I don't know, we're taking this step by step," he looked directly at me and smiled, "I really couldn't be happier."

           He gently pecked me on the forehead before stepping towards the book pile and ending the stream. Suddenly from the coffee table Clay's phone began to vibrate.

                  "Do you think this is about the visa status?" He said as he held the phone up to his ear. I crossed my fingers and watched urgently as his excited expression wilted.

                  "Oh, okay yeah sure." Was all I made out as he went to sit down at the kitchen table.

           What felt like an hour passed as I waited for the call to end. After nearly dozing off I was sprung back by a, "thank you, bye."

                 "What was that?" I said, walking over to him and placing my hands on his wide shoulders.

           He placed a hand comfortingly on top of mine and faced me.

                 "That was actually the detective in charge of Tommy's case. Apparently they're starting to take a look at the evidence. "

                 "Oh, that's good. Have they found anything?"

                 "Yeah, uhm.. They found a pink hair on his sweatshirt."

                               Authors note:

        hey folks, this is going to be the completed series ! i know personally i dont love drawn out stories so i figured this would be the best option. as you can tell though, we have a bit of a cliffhanger so possibly if this blows up a bit i'll continue or do a sequel but for now thank you for reading and stick around for other fics in the future ! :))

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