Rager - Chapter Eleven

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                                                                                        CHAPTER ELEVEN

There's a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan.
It doesn't mean love at first sight. It's closer to love at second sight.
It's the feeling when you meet someone that you're going to fall in love with them.
Maybe you don't love them right away,
but it's inevitable that you will.



It's Saturday, the day I get to go home. The doctor gave me specific instructions to stay in bed today, and if I wanna be able to play soon I need to listen to them. He gave me crutches too.

I haven't seen Connor since he stormed out. I wonder what was going on for him to freak out like that... no, why do I even care, HE did this to me. He's the reason I won't be able to play. Was this his plan all along, am I really that threatening to him? You know what, I don't even wanna think about that asshole anymore.

Luca is gonna be driving me to the house soon. I would call it "home" but it's not. Not with Connor living there. He also said he had a little surprise for me. The doctors tell me it's time to leave and they help me get outside. I see Luca waving at me standing at his car, I force a smile back and open the door. He helps me in and puts my crutches in the back seat.

"So I know yesterday really sucked for you, so I got you this..." Luca pulls out a paper bag and my face lights up.

"You got me chick-fil-a!!" I look at him and smile. "You get me." I quickly remember Luca mentioning his family was having money problems. How come he bought me food when his family is struggling? That's just the kind of person Luca is. Always putting everyone else first. I think that's what I admire most about him; his selflessness. I'll repay him in some way.

"It's nothing really, I thought it'd bring your mood up!"

"We need music, I call aux!" I yell and pull out my phone.

"You're lucky you're hurt." He says jokingly.

I laugh at him and start blasting my "feel-good playlist". It's crazy how Luca can just improve my mood like that. We scream-sing all the way to the house.

I tell him to come in so I won't be lonely.

"Won't connor be home?"

"I doubt it, he doesn't really spend alot of time at the house anyways."

Luca and I go up to my room. We hang out for a few hours and then notice that the sun's already setting.

"Hey so I know this might be a bit of a stretch, but would you wanna go out tonight?" Luca asks me.
"I don't know, my doctor told me-"
"I know, I know" he interrupts, "but don't you wanna have fun, not be sad and lay in your bed all day?"
"That's a good point..." I think about my options. My doctor told me to rest as much as possible, but I really don't want to be all alone in this huge house. "Fine" I say painfully. Luca beams with excitement. The car starts and the two of us head onto the street.

As I get in the car, I honestly have no idea where Luca is taking us. I don't really care, I'm just too exhausted to even ask. We eventually pull up to a somewhat big house, with colorful flashing lights spilling out of every window. There are cars lined up down the entire street. I suddenly realize, "Luca no way you took me to a rager right now." I say annoyed.

"What?! I can barely walk. I am not in a party mood."
"Don't be so boring. You need to branch out, and maybe you'll even meet some hot guys~!" Luca says nudging me.
"Hot guys are the LAST thing on my mind,Luca."
"Pft, ok everyone says that." He rolls his eyes.

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